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Together in the traditions and future (TOGETHER)
Start date: Jul 22, 2012, End date: Jul 22, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The objective of the project is to create sustainable and productive cooperation between cross-border partners by implementation of activities for knowing and analyzing of cultural resources in this region and bringing attention of young people to local traditions and activating their intentions of development lifes quality in their native area. This will be fulfilled by implementing the specific goal of the project:Enhancing contacts and opportunities for cooperative activities with cross border impact, partnership and cooperation between students and teachers;Developing skills of good neighbor communication;Rising the interest of young people in opportunities of economic development and its prosperity as a tourist destination through exploring and popularizing cultural resources in the region;Stimulating the transfer of knowledge and know-how via cross- border newspaper and virtual classroom. Achievements: Increased number (90) trained students,, presenting region cultural heritage in classes "Close in traditions" and 20 000 citizens watch events on local TV: For 2nd, 3rrd and 4th project quarters: 12 groups of students every week worked for learning, enrichment and collection for the traditions typical for the region. Publishing of the announcements for the events,, monthly newspaper gave possibilities for many people to be familiar with the activities of the project.Increased number (195) participants in permanent exchange of good practice, participating in "Virtual classroom"; 20 000 citizens watch events on local TV: For 3rd project quarter: 195 participants in permanent exchange of good practice participated in "Virtual classroom" on 01.03.2013; more than 20 000 citizens watched events on local TV.Increased number (72 students and 8 group leaders) participating in the common initiatives - camp for preparing of the final mutual concerts: For 4tth project quarter: On 22-24..04..2013 - 72 students and 8 group leaders participated in the common initiatives - Camp for preparing of the final mutual concerts.Increasing of the awareness from the cohesion of yang people in the cross border region, popularizing project results on the concerts;1 000 visitors,1800 people watch DVD records and 30 000 TV viewers: For 4th project quarter: More than 1000 visitors had possibilities to vew the both Final concerts in Probistip, Macedonia and in Kyustendil, Bulgaria. 200 DVDs were recorded and disseminated among participants, students and teachers in the schools in the region, local authorities, NGOs, ets. media. Local cable TVs transmitted Final concert in two towns as well press conferences and regularly reportage for the other project events.Increased number of people, disinterested from common traditions and culture. 90 participants in the groups show collected and newly - creatted exhibits for 10 000 visitors during "Traveling exhibition": For 3rd project quarter: In the frame of the reimplementation of the project 3 exhibitions were organized in the "St. Cyril and Methodius" secondary school - Kyustendil. The first exhibited ritual breads, was attended by mass media and reflected in local newspapers. The next two exhibitions displayed rituals masks - "kukeri and folk dolls in the building of the school and presented the objects made by students from group "Applied folk art". An exhibition with clay models of dolls, rugs and other typical regional products was presented by the groups in Municipal Elementary School "Nikola Karev", Probistip, Macedonia. Most of the objects will be exhibited before final concerts in a traveling exhibition; For 4tth project quarter: Near 10 000 people – students, teachers, parents, media, representatives of the local authorities visited thematic and final Traveling exhibitions, organized from the groups of Ethnography, Applied folk art, Verbal folk art and Journalism.The project has been successfully accomplished in July 2013.
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  • 85%   83 188,87
  • 2007 - 2013 Bulgaria - Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia IPA CBC (BG-FYROM)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

2 Partners Participants