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Tig-Wig Kaynak Operatörü
Start date: Sep 5, 2016, End date: Sep 4, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Vocational Education of The Students Who Are Attending Internship at The Oversesas Vocational Education Istitutions: At our Project,In the light of the report of ISKUR 2015 that indicates that mig/mag welders are the most wanted workers in Turkey inside the first 5 job group ; it is aimed that regionally solving the demand of mig/mag welders by creating a regional consortium by associating the vocational education institutions located in 4 neighboring cities.We aim that 60 students having education ( 11 th and 12 th classes ) at Metals Technology Department attend internship programmes at 3 different europian countries leading at Metals Technology. Thus, The students who did not have chance to work and have no experience at industrial area, will have chance to have education and internship at the qualified europian institutions. The education diversity will be improved by the internship will be carried out more than one country and alternative education methods and adapting those to the consortium.The content of education determined as 120 hours and 3 weeks by the institutions of the consortium.The partipicants by our Project:-will iprove their social and cultural behaviours and language -will have chance to attend insternship in europe-Will improve vacational qualification in Turkey and also in the regional consortium.-will improve problem solving and team working behaviours.-The internship will be valid as internship that is compulsory in Turkey-Euro-pass certificates will be recognized by the natiaonal certificating institutions so the level of pre-job facilities will be improved.-will have chance tos hare the knowladge and skills at their own schools with their teachers and friends-Will learn job safety procedures at new mig/mag method.The consortium members by our Project:-will have change to cooperate with europian institutions and see their present systems and transfer new Technologies. -The information that got from the students and the companions will be reflected to our institutions.-The new machine Technologies used at the europian institutions will be encouraged to be used at national institutions.-The institutions will be formed that provide qualified employee for the regional industrial areas.-The institutions who supply internship at europian countries will be formed and their preference will increase.-Endorsement of floating capital will be increased and income of students will be provided acording to law of 3423. Additionally when the current education fulfilled, particular purposes will be transfered the the institutions via companions.a) Job safety procedures at the workshopb) Welding machines usedc) Welding test methodsd) Safety equipmentse) Alternative ventilation methods f) Protecting clothes and equipment for interior and exterior uses. By the extensive studies of our consortium this Project will be a model and bye emerging institional structures that meets the demad of mig/mag welders of the market, the sectors presented below are to be at the forefront.• Offshore industry• Combined heat and power areas• Petrochemical industry• Food industry• Chemical industry• Nuclear industry• Automotive industry• Aircraft industry• Ship industry ( as being a peninsula country )• Construction industry• Natural gas substructureAs a result;-Our Project will give a lead for standardization for welder education- Qualified employee demand for welding industry will have national point of view in next 5 years
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