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TIES: Improving quality and cost effectiveness of Scandinavian swimming teacher education using advanced on-line and audio-visual technologies

Educational units for swimming teachers and coaches will be transferred from a similar existing program used at the University of Edinburgh in the Centre of Aquatic Research and Education and upgraded to ‘on-line’ delivery for the Icelandic Swimming Federation with a view to implementation throughout Europe. This will be facilitated through transfer of existing continuing professional development (CPD) infrastructures and technologies. The main aim of the project is to improve the quality of swimming teacher training and assessment in a manner that is cost effective. The current swimming education program in Iceland includes a series of topics related to the development of knowledge and effective teaching behaviours through face-to-face lectures and practical workshops and projects. To increase the effectiveness of delivery while minimising cost and inconvenience to participants, this programme will be transferred to a ‘blended’ delivery model taking advantage of video and web-based technologies that have been developed at Edinburgh university and CAPDM, a company specialising in on-line delivery of educational products. The necessary practical components of the current programme will be retained and revamped to synthesise with the on-line components.
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