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Through a Glass, Darkly: A European Literary Pilgrimage
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project involves the translation, publication, promotion and distribution of 6 works of contemporary European fiction into Macedonian. The works are to be published in the Europae speculum series, founded especially for this occasion. Since all the novels revolve around the idea of a journey to (self-)awareness, the project is entitled Through a Glass, Darkly: A European Literary Pilgrimage.All 6 works are by award-winning authors from different literary traditions, generations and backgrounds, so that they reach as broad an audience as possible. Two thirds of the authors are women, and all but one of the novels are written in lesser-used languages. Most of the works to be translated have received (inter)national literary awards, one being the recipient of the EU Prize for Literature.The works differ in subject matter, style and genre, but are united by the pilgrimage theme, the coming to terms with one’s own painful past, as well as one’s country’s troubled history. They are all deeply personal stories of individuals – placed in specific historical and geographical circumstances – overcoming obstacles and referring to the wider human condition. The (meta)physical pilgrimage is meant to help open the protagonists’ eyes, instead of seeing “as though a glass, darkly”. The project’s goal is to help the transcultural circulation of high-quality European literature, as well as foster the promotion and distribution of the literary works by employing innovative methods, with a particular emphasis on digital technologies, which corresponds to the objectives and priorities of the Creative Europe Programme.The quality of the works to be translated, the proposed strategy, as well as the experience and dedication of the team responsible for carrying out the project, demonstrate the serious commitment of Bata Press to the cultural and linguistic diversity of the Union and the principles of the Programme, and our hope to contribute to the creation of European added value.

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