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Theory and Algorithms for Adaptive Particle Simulation (ADAPT)
Start date: Sep 1, 2012, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"During the twentieth century, the development of macroscopic engineering has been largely stimulated by progress in digital prototyping: cars, planes, boats, etc. are nowadays designed and tested on computers. Digital prototypes have progressively replaced actual ones, and effective computer-aided engineering tools have helped cut costs and reduce production cycles of these macroscopic systems.The twenty-first century is most likely to see a similar development at the atomic scale. Indeed, the recent years have seen tremendous progress in nanotechnology - in particular in the ability to control matter at the atomic scale. Similar to what has happened with macroscopic engineering, powerful and generic computational tools will be needed to engineer complex nanosystems, through modeling and simulation. As a result, a major challenge is to develop efficient simulation methods and algorithms.NANO-D, the INRIA research group I started in January 2008 in Grenoble, France, aims at developingefficient computational methods for modeling and simulating complex nanosystems, both natural and artificial. In particular, NANO-D develops SAMSON, a software application which gathers all algorithms designed by the group and its collaborators (SAMSON: Software for Adaptive Modeling and Simulation Of Nanosystems).In this project, I propose to develop a unified theory, and associated algorithms, for adaptive particle simulation. The proposed theory will avoid problems that plague current popular multi-scale or hybrid simulation approaches by simulating a single potential throughout the system, while allowing users to finely trade precision for computational speed.I believe the full development of the adaptive particle simulation theory will have an important impact on current modeling and simulation practices, and will enable practical design of complex nanosystems on desktop computers, which should significantly boost the emergence of generic nano-engineering."
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