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Theatre European Engagement Network
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

TEEN project, over 26 months, shall carry out a cooperation pilot project among 4 partners from ITA, NOR, DK and PT and start-up a contemporary Theatre Engagement European Network for TEENAGE PUBLIC. TEEN shall ensure new markets and new creative developments for the sector, by a new business model of theatre production promotion, not intended to be a commercial but an audience development strategy. TEEN wants to prove that new markets can be developed with cultural and community building tools, such as critics, creativity and social relations, both on the offer and the demand side. By TRAINING THEATRE PROFESSIONALS, TEEN shall firstly enable them set up a NEW COMPREHENSIVE STRATEGY AND TOOLS FOR AUDIENCE DEVELOPMENT, based on a scientific methodology and fieldwork. The methodology will look at cultural offer at all stages (managers, producers, play writers, actors and critics) and the relation with the target audience. TEEN will then involve and develop a COMMUNITY of professionals and teens as active part and test of the process. TEEN will face the challenges of TEENage and digital shift. TEENs “critic” attitude, will be turned into a “CRITIQUE” APPROACH, for enhancing their experience as active spectators and to involve them as a permanent guidance for the whole creative and production process. WEB AND REAL LIFE social dimensions will be cultivated by way of a web exchange platform and mobility experiences, in order to integrate languages and situations that are familiar and stimulating for the TEENs target group and tackle the DIGITAL SHIFT of the whole sector. Finally, TEEN will deliver a tool kit to help spread the strategy and apply the methodology ACROSS EUROPE with a self-implementation process: A GUIDELINE MANUAL for professionals and a WEB PLATFORM “TEEN” –ADVISOR for teen and adult social reviewing. Thanks to this potential permanent viral/social tool for new EU community of professionals and teenagers, TEEN shall evolve into a PERMANENT NETWORK.
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3 Partners Participants