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Theatre as a Communication bridge
Start date: Dec 1, 2011,

In the project THEATRE as a COMMUNICATION bridge we will use the-magic of Dramş; and Theatre toempower deaf and hearing young people from Europe and China. W^ .will useçDraiïia because it allowsyoung people to share their ¡deas and information, respect individual knqwtedg&aridskilļšj,,avgids passivelistening and offers a space for inter-action among them. Furthermore many studş'ş in diffètent universitiesall over the world have proven that drama and theatre have a positive impact oa^outh'ş'SÕÖäl; emotional,cognitive and physical development. . ' ľ™.The purpose of the project is to .find the vyay through theatre to build two bridges: "first one between deafand hearing community and thè second one between China and EU. '-'■'■Project will permanently involve 20 deaf and hearing young people and more than 1000 youth workers and young people will be actively involved in some activities: educational study visits, exchange programme, training course, Drama in education workshops, campaign, publishing a book of stories, festival of short performances and short movies.Objectivities:o To use theatre and drama as a tool for communication between deaf and hearing youngstersand to achieve the integration of both communities ■=> To exchange good practice and empower youth workers with new knowledge !=> To achieve positive intercultural dialog in the field of youth between EU and China • o To stimulate further co-operation between China and EU youth organisations ■=> Active participation of young people especially deafEnvisaged impact and results:Stronger connection among partnership organisations after the project » the possibilities of new common projects in the futureKnowledge transmission among youth workers included in the project and youth workers attending training course and seminarsBigger recognition of Drama in Education in Slovenia and ChinaA book with one Chinese and one Slovene story translated into three languages (Slovene, Chinese and English) and illustrated by young people from Slovenia and ChinaAt least 800 young people actively participating in variety activities in the projectMore than 2000 young people will get the information by leaflets about the communication with deaf peers and knowing Slovene and Chinese hand alphabetPropaganda films of Ljubljana and ChengduTwo campaigns organised by young people: one on theme EU - Chinese dialogue and the other about Deafness, Culture and Communication problems with exhibitions of photos, illustrations, short movies and festival of short performances
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  •   127 900,00
  • Youth\Youth in action (2007-2013)\Youth in the World\Coooperation with countries other than the neighbouring countries
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

3 Partners Participants