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Theatre Art for Education, Personal Development and European Citizenship
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Growing up in today’s multicultural society, youth must learn to deal with ethnic and cultural differences in a positive way. First they must know and understand their own group's values and ethical norms, then they can be taught to know, understand and accept the others’ values and to be aware that together they can build a better world. This project is designed to contribute to the education of young generation in order to become open-minded, to understand and to accept the differences as expressions of our common humanity and further to their better social integration in a multicultural environment. In this respect, the specific objectives of the project are: - Create and consolidate relationships between different organizations in Europe with the aim of creating synergies to educate the young generation in the spirit of flexibility of thought, in the view of a better social integration - Improving teenagers’ ethical values and self-esteem through discover the own roots and awareness of the own culture and values - Learning to appreciate and understand differences, similarities and other people’s point of view and to consider inter-ethnic relations as European gain - Improving self-confidence and communication skills of teenagers for a better interaction with others through understanding and practicing the non-verbal communication; identifying and control the emotions for conflict management using theatrical techniques - Developing artistic skills, creativity, spontaneity, highlight native intelligence and positive thinking of youth by facing with different relationship between characters in exercises of “putting in another’s shoes” - Improving personal abilities of interacting and building bridges of trust by working in a team with people of different culture and traditions, through theatrical games - Strengthening relationships between participants, discover that, beyond our differences, we share a common humanity; create a positive attitude towards European values. Target group of the project are teenagers at the age of shaping their personality, a period that requires improved attention from the educators which must find proper ways to attract the students, blending the formal and non-formal education. In the project will be included students with low possibilities, from socio-economic disadvantaged families. The project intends to lead participants along a path that starts from knowing them self, the own culture and values, towards knowing and understanding other peoples’ culture and reaching the stage of working together to achieve a common goal, all these by using the theatre art as a mean of expression. The objectives will be reached by activities focused on workshops of teachers and trainers and theatrical exercises and plays represented by students having the following themes: “Dramatic Art - evocation and artistic interpretation of the past; History brought in the present, by interpretation and artistic evocation" “Living together - advantage of European unity; Interethnic relations - European gain” “The Royal Highness – the Public - and the artistic characters; communication and assumed relationship; non-verbal communication – gesture universality” "Artistic education - the relationship between characters, improvisation and concentration" "Personal development through art education – the game and theatrical intelligence". For teachers and trainers, the project will be an opportunity to improve their professional skills by working together with other European teachers and trainers by exchanging experiences and developing new tools for the teenagers’ education. The quality of their work will be improved by adding a European value to their knowledge, given by the contribution of European partners, having different cultural or professional backgrounds. Arts education can shapes the students’ personality; applied through drama techniques, develop different kinds of emotional intelligence: verbal intelligence, ethics and moral intelligence, musical intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, logical intelligence - even mathematics abilities. Thus by the project will develop students’ attention, concentration, observation, ability to develop strategies to solve problems, flexibility of thought, promptness of response, coordination, self expression, ability to work individually or in teams. Working and spending time together with people from different countries will facilitate the communication between them, will improve their skills in using a foreign language and their cultural knowledge. Cultural visits in the host country will improve also their cultural knowledge and will contribute to the personal development of participants. The results of the project will be a Brochure of good practices, a collection of plays and exercises interpreted by students, following the project path and a photo exhibition. These results will be available on the website of the project.
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5 Partners Participants