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The Viena Bridge – workshops, tourism, culture (Interreg)
Start date: Oct 31, 2006, End date: Dec 30, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Based on the joint cultural heritage of the project area, the project was aimed at developing the conditions for nature and cultural tourism by strengthening local structures. As a concrete activity in the project, it was intended to renovate two well-known buildings and turn them into functional and symbolic centres. The old school in the village of Vuokkiniemi would be restored as a workshop and village house for young people, suitable also for short courses and programme services as well as indoor sports. The design of the house included space for tourist information and possibly a small shop and an exhibition about the new national park. After the establishment of the national park, the premises could be used as the first information point of the park. In the White Sea Karelian village of Suomussalmi, the intention was to renovate the Karelian-style building called Domnan Pirtti (Domna Cottage) to function as a cultural and excursion centre, with a coffee shop and dining facilities. Additionally, the intention was to compile a report about the state, demarcation and development of a trekking track at the eastern border for tourists and hikers, which would be a foundation for Metsähallitus and the local tourist businesses to develop services and thus strengthen the development of local tourist industries. The workshop operations in Vuokkiniemi would be established in cooperation with the youth workshop Hanslankarit in Suomussalmi and HUMAK University of Applied Sciences in Haapavesi. It was the intention to organise a joint visible cultural event in both Vuokkiniemi and Suomussalmi, where people could meet and make connections. Achievements: The renovation, alteration and investment work of Domnan Pirtti were completed according to the objectives. The building connected the building more tightly to the Karelia-parks and to cross-border cooperation. Metsähallitus, Suomussalmi Municipality and the Kajaani Orthodox Parish signed a commitment on tourist cooperation in Kuivajärvi and agreed on accommodation cooperation. The objective is a clear division of work and cooperation between the operators in the future. The report about the state, demarcation and development of the trekking track at the eastern border gives a foundation for Metsähallitus and the local tourist businesses to develop services and thus increase the use of the eastern trekking track and strengthen development of the local tourist industries. The purpose of the report is to guide the investments of the track. The village house of Vuokkiniemi was also completed during the project and was opened in November 2008. The village house provided proper spaces for the workshop, which will allow it to develop further. A working model for the workshops of Hanslankarit, HUMAK and Vuokkiniemi was created, and HUMAK has, among other things, created an education plan for the workshops of Vuokkiniemi (the operational and education plan of the workshops was also discussed with the authorities of Kostomuksha). The workshop model of Vuokkiniemi was made into a training video, and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Karelia also participated in its creation and distribution. The cultural events on both sides of the border were successfully implemented. A seminar was also organised in Vuokkiniemi to strengthen tourist cooperation and develop the service structures of the villages.
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  • 67.5%   134 026,25
  • 2000 - 2006 Euregio - Karelia  (FI-RU)
  • Project on KEEP Platform