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''The training of Adult Education Trainers concerned with the refugees Refugees''
Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Turkey is now facing one of the biggest immigration waves in its history.Our country has become an important actor in the global immigration movement.According to the data from the United Nations,the number of refugees and asylum seekers all across the countries has been 4.500.000.The number of the refugees and asylum seekers who have arrived in Turkey since 2011 has been 1.905.000 according to the data ,dated August 2015, from the Directorate General of Migration Management of the Ministry of Interior.The number of the same group of people, who have come to Kocaeli, is around 15.000.The increase in the number of the refugees due to the ongoing war ,the asylum period exceeding the predictions and the indefinite nature of this period have greatly necessitated the need for attaching importance to the education and employment aspects of the problem.The predicament of these people makes humanitarian approach necessary first;it gives important responsibilities to the Turkish community and the State.The fact that public and civil authorities do not have adequate information about the situation of the refugees causes confusion.This project is necessary to make public& civil society organisations and the local government search for solutions to this problem,to share responsibilites and to organise effective awareness-raising campaigns.The role of each partner within the Consortium is indispensable.Additionally,the common work is expected to become a good example of the cooperation between public and civil society organisations.Linguistic and other skills training for the adults,provision of training for qualified employees who can contribute to the national economy,development of the organisational structure of the modern asylum and immigration system and training of specialist professionals in this system are all important issues. The EU’s November/2015 Progress Report for Turkey states that Turkey has given ‘’unparellelled support’’ for the refugees.Their number has been increasing rapidly.A lot of work has been done to enable the refugees and their families to get adapted to the local community.The aim ofthe project is to train adult trainees,to share experience and knowledge with European countries experienced in this matter and to raise the public awareness.Other aims include:to collaborate with European countries and thus,learn from one another,to ensure compliance with today's information society with a high quality education and training at all levels and to contribute to the national economy All participants will be the adult trainers in the partner organisations.A total number of 30 trainer will be able to have training abroad. 30 participants from the partner organisations will have a 14-day training abroad,7 seminars and one workshop will be organised within the project lifecycle. After having training in several pre-defined fields at European organisations ,the trainees will share their knowledge and experience with other trainers in their own institutions.The collaboration of two public an done civil society organisation is important for the sustainability of the project. The trainees’ :*lack of knowledge about the procedures to be applied in the situation of the refugees " will be remedied.* skills,competencies and knowledge concerning the social integration of the refugees will increase.*competencies to work with refugee groups from different cultures will improve.*experience in the social integration of asylum seekers&refugees will be the same as their counterparts in the EU countries. *the trainees will gain proficiency in working with disadvantaged groups.*the trainees’ knowledge about social work practices will increase thanks to the work about increasing the self-counseling skills of the refugees.*the trainees will identify vocational development strategies related to their individual needs and organisational targets ,thus,progress and improvement will be ensured. The project will be the first step towards the collaboration of the public and the civil society fort he solution of the refugee crisis and it will set an example for other towns and even countries at an international level.This project will define our approach to the refugee problem in our region,which is predicted to be a continuous,and will help these individuals be employed and integrated to the local community.In addition to its sociological results,the project will also contribute to the national economy.The joint work with the European countries will enable to take the initial steps towards acommon plan for solution . The Consortium will also have an insight into the European view about the topic thanks to the cooperation with the European countries.The Consortium intends to continue this project with a future KA2 Strategic Partnerships project based on this one in order to ensure its sustainability and to carry out further work concerning the topic at European level.

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