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The town as a friendly space for developing entrepreneurship and creativity.
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "The town as a friendly space for developing entrepreneurship and creativity" is designed to: - to improve the quality of teaching organization, - to improve competences and modernising working methods of teachers, - strengthening the professional profile of the school, - developing among students key competences: creativity and entrepreneurship, ICT and multilingualism in accordance with the priorities established by the European Union, - extending cooperation between educational establishments on a European scale. We want among the students: - developing the ability to move around in the job market: getting to know its mechanisms, attractive, interesting companies and the specificity of work; develop practical professional skills in the field of Economics, entrepreneurship, English, computer science, culture, history, geography, native language; pick up practical skills to create websites, blog, movies, Facebook profile, works of art, photos, reportages, essays, printed book; -raising the organizational competencies: cooperation in a group, creating the exhibitions, organization of tours and personnel: self-presentation, creating self-image, speeches skills. We also have a long-term objective: the prevention of any failures in education, bridging differences in terms of social exclusion and unemployment among students, international cooperation between educational institutions, experienced in international cooperation will help to achieve this objective. 10 Organization of the education area: 5 secondary schools, 2 secondary schools, 3 change the of-1. working on innovative pedagogical solutions, 2. the Organization for people with special needs, 3. organisation of training adults will effectively work through: - learning about urban spaces, possible career paths, ways to develop professional competences, modern ways of looking for a job, the efficiency of the conduct of the interview, the specificity of work head hunter, professional advisers, the City Clerk, publishers, education systems in Europe, the restructuring of urban space. The activity will be carried out on the local scene (in cooperation with local companies, institutions). 2 Transnational Project Meetings, 2 Multiplier Events and 8 short-term exchanges of students and accompanying persons of exchange groups of pupils. Each of the Member States shall be responsible for the preparation of 5-day themed events, which is aimed at deepening theme, reaching training materials. Methods and forms of work of teachers and pupils: themed tours, debates, workshops, peer learning, job shadowing, e-twinning, case study, small projects will be the results of the project and will be used to achieve results: scenarios for lessons for teachers, business plans, video tutorials, videos, screenplays, articles, essays, photos and papers for exhibition, multimedia presentations, reports, logos, questionnaires, recipes, maps. All products will serve the dissemination of project results, as well as: website, blog, Facebook profile, Portal e-twinning, and the final products: an e-learning platform, a guide-album for students and teachers. The expected impact of the program is: . Increasing the involvement of students, teachers, headmasters, parents and local factors and agencies of the local community in the process of European integration. . Increasing the feeling of membership to the European Union by all the members of the educational community in our schools. . Preparing students to face the "other" without prejudice, racism, arrogance and xenophobia. . Enriching our teaching materials and teaching methodology by collaboration among teachers and schools. . Improving students and teachers’ competencies on ICT, languages and teaching methodologies. In the dissemination of the materials will be helpful school celebrations and environmental conferences, contests between them organised in 1o institutions and promotional materials. In the wider national and international dimension of the dissemination of the results will take place through a website, blog, Facebook profile. E-learning platform will be available for students and teachers. The materials will be also placed on the Portal e-twinning. Sustainability of the project will be measurable by continuing cooperation with companies, institutions, practices, organization of internships also by improving students and teachers’ competencies on ICT, languages and teaching methodologies. Partner organisations will continue cooperation in the preparation of subsequent projects.
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9 Partners Participants