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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project partners identified similar education needs in their schools/countries and want reduce drop out/prevent the early school leaving in the participating schools by sharing good practices and learning from each other. Project priority: Supporting schools to tackle early school leaving (ESL) and disadvantage ... , improving collaboration internally as well as with parents and other local stakeholders. The main OBJECTIVES are: 1) to exchange and improve partners’ best practice for friendly school environment improvement as an essential pre-condition for early school leaving prevention; 2) to improve the students’ social and civic competencies and skills regarding their contribution to a cohesive local and international society by using innovative and student- centred pedagogical approaches, networking of schools and holistic collaborative approaches to teaching/learning; 3) to improve cooperation internally as well as with parents and other external stakeholders. Our TARGET GROUPS: students, teachers, school’s staff, parents and schools supporting institutions. ALL PARTNERS will participate at local and international activities, cooperate with the local partners: parents’ councils, public authorities, social service institutions and other stakeholders, organize evaluation, dissemination and project result’s exploitation activities. All local and international activities will be subordinated to working out of a LOCAL AND INTERNATIONAL ACTION PLAN TO REDUCE/PREVENT EARLY SCHOOL LEAVING AT OUR SCHOOLS 2017-2020. Participants of the international Learning/training activities: 50 students and 45 teachers from all partner schools, but together with local participants there will be about 3200 students, teachers and parents involved into project activities in all partner schools and their local communities. INTERNATIONAL LEARNING/TEACHING ACTIVITIES: 3 Short term teachers’ training events, 2 Blended mobilities of students, 2 Short term students’ exchanges. LOCAL ACTIVITIES: Regular meetings and joint workshops. Finding, testing and evaluating of new methods for the early school leaving prevention. Questionnaire for parents, colleagues and pupils „What special things we do /should do at our school to create a friendly school environment”. Simultaneous social and civic competences tests in all partner schools, their results analyze, mentioned tasks for the further work. Virtual brainstorming “How to combat bullying, mobbing and intra-school violence”. Students’ Debate clubs, their regular sessions local and once during the project – international. Creative workshops “You are not alone” and “The school of my dream-no drugs, no violence, no bullying”. Implementation and testing of partners' best practice in other partner schools. Role plays to train good manners and its video documentation. Working out of the “Friendly school rules” and “Local and international school plan to reduce/prevent the early school leaving" Seminars and joint conflict solving/prevention training sessions (students-parents, teachers- students). METHODS to be used: exchange of best practice experience; local and international surveys, creative workshops, group work, debates, meetings/consultations, brainstorming, trainings for students and teachers; combining of teaching and extra-curricular activities (i.e. role of sport for the friendly school environment); working out, testing, evaluation and dissemination of new methods for the friendly school environment/early school leaving prevention, work for the partner school’s stratgical development plans improvement, developing and testing materials/suggestions about the opportunities of the interdisciplinary approach and extracurricular activities (i.e. sport, social activities, intergenerational cooperation) for improvement of school environment and ESL prevention. The project MAIN OUTCOME “Local and international school plan to reduce/prevent the early school leaving 2017-2020” will be included into our schools strategical development plans and will be implemented during and after the project. By the use of innovative pedagogical methods following the project conclusion, the students will be better integrated into school environment and local and furthermore also in international social life, will be more experienced in social and intergenerational communication. Participation in the Project will increase European prestige of our schools, broaden and develop their educational activities, increase quality, reinforce the European dimension as well as consolidate the international projects. We will also reinforce the European dimension of the local institutions and have the opportunity to promote our schools abroad. All participant schools will benefit from more creative and more motivated students and teachers. It will be the chance for us all to decrease our differences and increase our similarities as Europeans and members of a global school.
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5 Partners Participants