The others is us
Start date: May 1, 2016,
End date: Sep 30, 2016
The main aim of the project is raising competences of youth education workers, participants in the seminar, in fields of anti-discrimination education and human rights, with a focus on LGBT + topic in relation with schools and other formal education providers. People from 8 different countries (Poland, Portugal, Spain, Cyprus, Slovakia, Romania, Turkey, Italy), working in organisations having as beneficiaries youngsters part of the LGBT+ community or from other group found at risk of exclusion, such as youth with migrant background will participate in 4 days seminar, exchanging experience, knowledge and expertise. All that will be conducted using non - formal methods where participants are experts sharing their knowledge and learning from one another. The need of implementing project on this topic is a result of the tendency observed in with majority of European societies – even though the position of EU towards Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT+) persons is positive, protective and supportive, the society is not fully ready to embrace this equality. Legal response and political declarations, are essential, but not sufficient. They need to be combined with educational, cultural and awareness-raising measures likely to counteract discrimination. Antidiscrimination education is in this sense crucial. That is why we invite 20 youth workers and educators to meet, talk and get inspired by examples of positive and affirmative action's implemented in each other countries. They will get equipped with knowledge and tools ready to be used in educational activities they carry out in their home environment. Tangible result of the project prepared by participants will be “Best practice booklet”an online publication that will be created together during seminar. It will include the best examples of anti discrimination projects from partner organisations. It will be a tool and guideline for future actions.The Booklet will be disseminated by each partner organisations, will be also available on line as a free source.