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The NICT in the service of the Council and the Agricultural Networks of the Atlantic Arc (COREA)
Start date: Aug 31, 2003, End date: May 21, 2008 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The ATLANTIC NET project seeks to stimulate the creation of a trans-national network to promote the full use of the potential of the advanced telecommunications services and information technologies among the SMEs of the Atlantic Area, notably new infrastructure, software packages and experiences, new e-business solutions, etc. . ATLANTIC NET foresees putting into place activities for technical assistance and dissemination. Notably, it will develop five pilot projects aimed at eliminating obstacles that the NTIC encounter which prevent their implantation in Atlantic SMEs. Achievements: ✔ Trans-national survey on the needs of farmers for New Communication and Information Technologies, carried out with 700 farmers: drafting, surveying, analysis and formulation of the results ✔ Testing of precision farming: confrontation of methods, exchanges about practices, the obstacles encountered, the results, dissemination of a common report translated into 4 languages (FR, ES, PT, EN) ✔ Testing of precision farming: Dialogues took place on many subjects, during the trans-national seminars, but also more informally between the partners working on common subjects (irrigation, large scale farming, yield sensors, viticulture, interpreting photo images, etc.). ✔ Technological benchmarking on ITC in Agriculture: this task was carried out in the individual countries with different methodological approaches. However, a common tool to visualise all the results was put online. ✔ Creation of a website: ✔ Distribution of 3000 copies of the "COREA" leaflet presenting the project evaluation. Distribution of 90 DVDs (including 70 in the Seminar "New technologies and environment"). Projection of the film before 200 people at the AGM of irrigation specialists in the Dordogne

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  • 52.6%   1 507 772,26
  • 2000 - 2006 Atlantic Area
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

14 Partners Participants