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"The methodology for creating small informal entrepreneurship centres for the youth in local communities" - "Metodyka tworzenia małych, nieformalnych centrów przedsiębiorczości dla młodzieży w społecznościach lokalnych"
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"The methodology for creating small informal entrepreneurship centres for the youth in local communities" will be implemented by 3 partners: Foundation Ad Meritum from Poland, De-Charles Resources Ltd from UK and Egitim Arastirma ve Gelistirme Dernegi from Turkey. Dates of project implementation: IX 2014-VIII 2016. Partner organisations have formed a strategic partnership to share experiences related to facilitating the entry of young people into the labour market. The British partner already has many years of experience in the conduct of the actions to facilitate job search and learning entrepreneurship, carry out LLP projects from this area, while the Turkish and Polish partners lead such operations relatively recently and need to strengthen these areas. All partners, through this project, they want to respond to the challenges associated with the presence of young people on the labour market and prevent their unemployment. The short-term purpose of the project is to develop a methodology for creating small, informal, local enterprise centres for young people in the local communities. To cooperate in creating the methodology all partners will invite local public institutions: schools and libraries, operating for youth, and also young people will be involved. It will be very important to work on this methodology together the youth, as the project results are addressed to young people. They will participate in the training on job searching and enterpreneurship in London, carried out for them by the British partner. During this action the youth of partner institutions will participate in this training virtually by the Internet transmission. Gained in this way, the knowledge and skills will allow young people to actively participate in the work on the methodology development, and - in the long-term perspective - they will become the leaders of entrepreneurship centres. The long-term purpose of the project, which will be possible thanks to the completion of this project, will be the development of such entrepreneurship centers by the partners in their local communities. The idea of creating small informal local entrepreneurship centres for young people is as follows - the place where they could: -Improve their digital competences -Learn about the given region, small business established there, need for employees in these business or need for establishing own business -Participate in entrepreneurship training -Participate in meetings organised for young people by local employers -Have the opportunity to participate in the practices and internships at local businesses - Have the opportunity to participate in international exchanges to improve their language skills, cultural awareness and business and the labour market awareness. Work on the methodology will take place in several phases: needs analysis of young people from public institutions, such as schools or libraries, regarding their expectations to create local enterpreneurship centers, as the result of the cooperation between partners and public institutions. In the phase of the methodology creation the local partners will be engaged : representatives of the public institutions who would like to create a local entrepreneurship centres for young people and young people, especially leaders who participated in training in London. The project management will be led by the cascade method. As a result of the project there will be an e-book "The methodology for creating small informal entrepreneurship centres for the youth in local communities "published on the Internet website of the project and on the partners websites under Creative Common licence. Dissemination of results will be done by publication on the Internet and posting information in social media, the organisation of events for the local community, webinar for all interested organistions. The folow-up phase of the project: the open training on the developed methodology for external institutions and partners wishing to establish of such enterprise centres, which are described in the manual. Funds for the establishment of such centres, as well as for their conducting according to the developed methodology the partners will be try to obtain from national funds. The creation of such centres of entrepreneurship for young people will be a novum in relation to public and private employment agencies. Entrepreneurship centers will help young people to learn about the specifics of the region in which they live, the need for the creation of new services, the local labour market, they will participate there in entrepreneurship trainings – this knowledge and skills will allow young people to make responsible and mature decisions in terms of finding a job and creating their own companies.
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