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The Languages spoken in Macaronesia (MACALINGUA)

MACALINGUA tries to offer an agile and comfortable means (at distance) to learn the Castillan and the Portuguese. With the mottos " To know the Canary Islands learning Spanish " or " to know Madeira learning Portuguese ", Macalingua offers to the Portuguese of the Macaronesia a remote course multimedia to learn Spanish (CD, Internet), who will be available at the end of 2003, as well as it offers to Spanish a similar course of Portuguese, by the half-full of 2004. These courses are a usefull and practical tool and will be available at the beginning to our Administrations, Associations of Industralists or Professionals, Training centers, etc. through an agreement with the Project Macalingua. Even though Macalingua is adressed to Macaronesia, it also admits concerts with the rest of territories interested in promoting the Spanish and the Portuguese.
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