European Projects
The knowledge's Pathway
The knowledge's Pathway
Start date: Jun 1, 2015,
End date: May 31, 2016
The project "The knowledge's Pathway" promotes the path of knowledge through the study and knowledge of technical acquisition, cultural and creative stakeholders. Proceeding at the definition of the scope ( development of a concept ) , research and analysis through graphical and photographic register , develop a project within the technological areas involved (Communication Design , Design furniture, Textile Artistic Production) using techniques and technologies unavailable or divergents in the origin school's country.
As regards training of teaching staff, this activity aims to professional development in a follow-up period in the area of ICT through the workplace observation. In our School this is one of the areas where we need human resources. In particular the area of Web technologies and programming, that have been growing substantially. In this sense, the inclusion of innovative approaches in teaching / learning in these areas will prepare better our students for the future.
According to the UNESCO National Commission, the companies of the twenty-first century require a growing number of creative, flexible, adaptable and innovative workers, evolving according to new needs. So art is simultaneously manifestation of culture and a communication channel to the cultural knowledge. Each culture has its artistic expressions and their specific cultural practices. Cultures, in their diversity, and their creative and artistic products represent contemporary and traditional forms of human creativity that contribute to the enrichment of society.
The benefit of this project arises from the possibility of search and research operations are carried out on the host country and the participants can contact the artistic and technical reality of another country.
Once they are three groups in three different countries, is possible an exchange of knowledge between groups of different areas on the artistic reality experienced for them in each country involved, promote the culturally enriching the group of participants involved and those who are near them (students and teachers ).
Since they are in a foreign country will give the opportunity to the participants to practice a foreign language that will help build a communication between schools in different countries. There is also added value in the implementation monitored and mediated, the work / workshops, as well as the possibility of handling of materials, instruments and tools "know-how".
The required time for this internship is 5 days in the school staff and between two to three weeks distributed between January and March 2016, the School "Birmingham Metropolitan College" (UK), the School of Arts and Design Liepaja (Latvia) and Secondary School of Applied Arts (Prague). The project is intended to fifteen students with level III training in the field of communication design, furniture design, textile Artistic Production and a teacher in the ICT area.
With the project "The knowledge's Pathway" we intend to develop in participants, skills and competence to improve the productive and creative capacities through international opportunities, to acquire new skills, pormote the motivation, opportunities to develop growth, a widening of horizons and competitiveness in the labor market; promote the entrepreneurial spirit in participants;. encourage the learning of modern foreign languages and facilitate the development of innovative practices in vocational education and training and their transfer.
Is intended to develop and encourage a common work in order to address new training topics, new ways of acquiring knowledge and skills, new pedagogical approaches. At the end of the exchange, each participant will receive a certificate of participation and the Europass mobility. Participants will have as mission disseminate achievements / experiences through presentations to the school community, workshops, exhibitions, pilot experiences and through websites / blogs and social networks on the Internet and in the local information media.