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The improvement of emergency services through cooperation of medical institutions in cross-border area (Medical CBC)
Start date: Jul 31, 2010, End date: Sep 29, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The strategic project aims to modernize hospitals in Lithuania and Poland border region including 6 hospitals in Marijampolė, Suwałki, Białystok, Augustów, Lazdijai, Vilkaviškis, 1 emergency station in Suwałki and 1 primary health care centre in Vilkaviškis. All the mentioned emergency centres are situated close to Via Baltica highway and will play an important role in ensuring high quality medical services for travellers and local communities. The project's main objective is to improve living standards of the cross-border region population by developing cross-border cooperation by common initiatives at local and regional levels, ensuring high quality medical infrastructure in the cross-border area and preventing social exclusion of local people. Within the impementation of the project, the personnel and specialists of hospitals will have the opportunity of improving their skills. Investment elements are modernisation of reanimation and intensive care units (RICU) in hospitals of Suwałki, Marijampolė, Vilkaviškis, one day surgery unit and air conditioning system in Suwałki hospital. Expected Results: It is planned to purchase modern medical equipment for hospitals in Marijampolė, Suwałki, Vilkaviškis, Białystok and Augustów. Ambulances for emergency station will be purchased - 2 for Suwałki, 1 ambulance for primary health care centre in Vilkaviškis and 1 for Lazdijai hospital. The project includes organization of 4 academic teaching courses, 8 workshops, 2 conferences, and publishing of Lithuanian-Polish conversation book including medical terminology.

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  • 85%   3 877 348,10
  • 2007 - 2013 Lithuania - Poland (LT-PL)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

7 Partners Participants