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The European strategic research Roadmap to ICT enabled Energy-Efficiency in Buildings and construction (REEB)
Start date: May 1, 2008, End date: Oct 31, 2010 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of the REEB project is to facilitate co-creation of a Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) and a supporting Implementation Activity Plan (IAP) for sustainable and energy-efficient smart building constructions by and through the establishment of and federation of dialogue between interactive and complimentary communities of practice from energy, environment, and building construction domains. REEB will establish a community operating method that will allow these communities to act as breeding and nurturing grounds for innovation in bringing together the relevant organisations and stakeholders for the purpose of starting up "innovation cycles in ICT-based environment management and energy efficiency" in smart building constructions. The main outcomes will be (i) a SRA and detailed IAP for RandD and innovation in ICT supporting energy-efficient smart facilities, (ii) a comprehensive coordination of information exchange and dissemination between energy-related ICT projects in various EU, national, and global programs/initiatives, in terms of on-going research, developed solutions, standardisation efforts, etc.. This will include organising events and communication channels for identifying, defining, promoting and stimulating the innovative use of ICT in the Sustainability and Energy Efficiency area to reach the widest audience and bring together all stakeholders from the enlarged EU and relevant global communities. The REEB consortium involves 8 partners with complementary expertise drawn from 6 European countries (France, Finland, Spain, Ireland, UK, Germany). Moreover, the core partners, in their effort to build up the REEB community and develop the vision, roadmap and implementation plan, are supported by this Special Interest Group (SIG) whose members (both RTD and industry) will participate in community discussions and decisions, and provide active feedback to studies and analyses.

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7 Partners Participants