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The Bromley Advantage Abroad!
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

'The Bromley Advantage Abroad!' describes a programme of European enrichment and work experience opportunities for Bromley College students.Context of the project; Bromley is London's largest borough and the College's catchment area includes some of the most deprived areas in London. Last year the young adult unemployment rate in the rest of England did not change, whilst in London it increased. It is extremely difficult to gain some relevant and quality work experience locally. The competition is fierce and students often haven't got the confidence or the ability to source work experiences further afield. Whilst most of them live very close to London, they don't seem to venture out to explore the area outside of their immediate place of living.Objectives of projectThe main objective for this project is to provide much-needed, real-life work experience in a foreign culture for our students.In addition, the project will boost skills and employability of our learners by providing quality assured & appropriate work placements for participants which they would not be able to access in their home country. Students will enjoy an enriching experience of being in another EU country (culture) which will help to improve their mobility and our students will understand the opportunities available to them abroad. We also want to bridge the gap between low skilled workforce in the local area & Government initiative of higher level skills required in the industry.We plan to send 60 learners in 4 flows to undertake 2-week work placements in and around Florence, Italy. Each flow will be accompanied by 2 college members of staff who will supervise the students, act as a mentor but also assess the students against set targets. Description of activities; Interview and Selection (at home); Preparation (language, culture, work placement) at home; Induction (abroad); Work placement (abroad); Monitoring of progress (at home and abroad); Certification (at home and abroad); Dissemination and Evaluation (at home and abroad). A short description of results and impact envisaged As well as developing our learners' industry-related skills and knowledge, we also want to give them softer skills: improve their confidence, their aspiration and their European mobility. Working with our Italian partners, we aim to provide a life-changing experience for our learners. Potential longer term benefits Bromley College wants to be seen as a progressive and forward-looking college that prepares their learners for a competitive international labour market. We want to establish a network of European partners also for the following purposes: - Exchange of best practice - Provision of work placements - Exchange of up-to-date industry skills for staff - Development of a truly international curriculum that is fit for purpose
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5 Partners Participants