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Territorial networking for capacity building and local development: a cross border experience linking Lebanon, Jordan, France, Italy (T-NET)
Start date: Oct 19, 2011, End date: Oct 21, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The decentralisation process which is ongoing in Jordan and Lebanon is facing several challenges such as organisational limitations, a low level of empowerment and a certain lack of capacities of local administrations. Obviously, these difficulties consequently limit the economic development and prevent local administrations from adequately delivering the required services citizens. The T-NET project acts in this framework focusing on the promotion of socio-economic local development among territorial networks of local authorities, clusters of local authorities and civil society organisations from Jordan, Lebanon, France and Italy. Through a networking process, the project aims at building sustainable and long-lasting relationships in order to strengthen the capabilities of territorial planning in Lebanon and Jordan and to contribute to overcoming the obstacles faced in the decentralisation process. Expected Results: • Creation of networks among local authorities, clusters of local authorities, civil society organisations • Development of the partnership skills and competencies on concepts such as territorial planning and good governance • Local economic development processes through an increased participation of relevant stakeholders and local communities in local heritage valorisation for tourist promotion
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  • 88%   1 673 281,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Mediterranean Sea Basin ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

9 Partners Participants