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Τerritorial impact of the motorways of the sea in the Εastern Μediterranean Βasin (MoS.Med.IA)
Start date: Apr 30, 2007, End date: Jul 30, 2008 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project MoS.Med.IA will analyse the impact of MoS on the urban and territorial systems of the Mediterranean regions in order to provide policy makers with wide-reaching economic and territorial information to evaluate Project TEN-T n. 21, which has become one of the main tools for the realization of the European Neighborhood Policy, following the document presented by the High Level Group (President L. de Palacio, 2005). The operational objectives and tools for project implementation are the creation of a Network and Observatory to monitor the economic and territorial interactions between MoS and the urban/territorial systems of the Mediterranean Regions with the support of an Agency that will disseminate the project results. The project MoS.Med.IA and, in general, the Motorways of the Sea (MoS) initiatives are based on Project 21 of the TEN-T programme. These projects concentrate on a wide range of issues related to transport, intermodality and logistics. In particular this project is designed to investigate the effects that MoS will have on territorial and urban systems in the Mediterranean regions and provide decision-makers with the required economic and territorial information to implement the TEN-T 21 project and expand even further towards southern Mediterranean countries. Specific goals and actions include: The creation of a permanent Observatory (an open network for data collection and monitoring) that will eventually include all EU and non-EU Mediterranean regions (NUTS 1 & 2). The network will identify, model and monitor economic and territorial interactions between MoS and the urban/territorial regions. In this context, MoS is understood to include harbour and related logistical infrastructures, fully integrated with highway, railway and airport networks, and permanently connected by shipping lines. All data and analyses will be based on a geographical information system (GIS); An Agency will be established to disseminate project results and other pertinent information to network partners, regional/local administrations and transport operators. The objective is to promote MoS to direct and indirect beneficiaries and improve their awareness on the economic and territorial benefits of MoS. The network will continue to function after the project has completed its goals and partners will continue to raise funds for promotional and advertising activities. Project deliverables include: • Mediterranean Observatory and Agency • Reports on MoS projects financed by national and community funds • Studies on the interactions between MoS and the urban/territorial systems of the Mediterranean regions • Geographical information system • Network web site • Information sharing & monitoring workshops and a final convention to launch the Observatory.
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  • 57.9%   856 105,60
  • 2000 - 2006 Archimed
  • Project on KEEP Platform

3 Partners Participants