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Teória - poklad, prax - kľúč k nemu
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main objective of the proposed project "Theory - treasure, experience key to it" is more interconnected theoretical study of Tvrdošín United School students with practical activities in the center of practical teaching at Secondary Industrial School Prague Třebešín. Our school has difficulties in ensuring students practice in the absence of those types of businesses in the manufacturing sector. Some companies and factories can accept the practice as students, but many of them do not have a real interest in their professional and career development. Within the social skills to achieve that students and accompanying teachers know the new education system and new labor market. With the project we want to contribute to solving this problem and meeting the needs of the target group. The project will be attended by two partners: The United School Tvrdošín as sending organization and Secondary Industrial School Praha Třebešín as the recipient organization, whose representatives expressed their consent in the letter of intent, which is annexed. The receiving organization will create for a target group suitable working conditions in accordance with the study focus, students will use modern technical equipment, which unfortunately our school does not own, so students do not meet with them during their professional practice at school or in the surrounding companies and factories. Specific objectives are: • acquire practical skills and experience in areas related to their disciplines, • deepen practical knowledge of CNC programming • create a process for the production of parts and their assembly into a functional unit, • to model components in parametric CAD / CAM system , • generate drawings, • deepen practical knowledge of the design PC • design and implement network connections, • acquire new knowledge of computer simulation. The added value of the project for pupils and teachers will be: 1. Introduction to the history and present of the Czech Republic and its capital Prague, because no two European nations have for each other as close as just Czechs and Slovaks. 2. greater European cohesion that participants' reading the "understanding of the similarities of the two social problems of the EU, despite their different cultures. We have had long personal friendship with our project partner. In the years 2008 - 2010 we were partners in the Comenius project - Development of common on - line newspapers. Every year in May, the place exchange visit of pupils and staff our schools. The project will take place one mobility - from 23rd May – 10th June 2016. The target group of the project is made up of 21 students, all boys aged 16 to 17 years of Orava region 7 pupils study field of mechatronics, 7 pupils study field of computer networking and communications technology and 7 pupils study field technical lyceum - focus informatics. The criterion for the selection of students will not only their academic performance, but also the effort to learn, self-discipline and their degree of personal motivation. These will be accompanied by two teachers of vocational subjects. Participants will receive from the receiving organization Certification and the broadcasting organization decision of the Director of the school on the recognition of professional experience. The purpose of the proposed project is not only to attract funding, but a lasting change, starting more meaningful longer-term activities that contribute to linking theory with practice study at our school.
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