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Teleház mobilkatedra
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Teleház mobilkatedra (Telecentre Mobilkatedra) The Dél-alföldi Teleházak Regionális Közhasznú Egyesülete (Regional Telecottages Public Association of South Hungarian Plain), hereinafter referred to as DTE is an adult training institution. The aims in the one year long project period are to renew the telecentre network in Hungary and join the international telecentre network with the collaboration of three members of Telecentre Europe and with two other partners which are enthusiastic in connection with our aims. With the support of our mentor-service, we will implement and take part in three job-shadowing and three training activities. In case of trainings a trainer will implement a training, called “Telecottage Katedra – Smartphones from the choice to the administration” for 10 participants/place in 10 hours. The training will be held for colleagues who work in the field of adult education, in order to improve the cheap and safe communication. In order to answer the renewing claims, the participants of the mobility programmes will be chosen - with the help of the coordinators - on the basis of their yearly renewed individual improving plans and according to the concrete activity and task by the receiving partner. Adult training – 01.07.2015. – 04.07. – Romania Partner: Societatea Maghiara de Cultura din Transilvania/ Erdélyi Magyar Közművelődési Egyesület DTE 1 participant – 2+1 days Job-shadowing – 26.08.2015. – 30.08.2015 – Denmark Partner: Telecentre-Danmark DTE 4 participants – 3+2 days Adult training – 23.09.2015.-26.09.2015. – Slovenia Partner: Zavod za kulturo madzarske narodnost/ Magyar Nemzetiségi Művelődési Intézet DTE 1 participant – 2+1 days Job-shadowing – 06.10.2015.-10.10.2015. – Belgium Partner: Interface3 DTE 3 participants – 3+2 days Job-shadowing – 09.02.2016. – 13.02.2016. – Malta Partner: Malta Communications Authority DTE 3 participants – 3+2 days Adult education – 10.02.2016. – 13.02.2016. – Malta Partner: Malta Communications Authority DTE 1 participant – 2+1 days The inner communication of the project will be implemented by online tools, like Basecamp, which support group-work. We will use Facebook and the official website of the project for the external communication: publishing of the results and reports. The media will be informed about our implemented project by a press release. In order to reorganize our Association, we would like to join the Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs European Commission initiative and it claims many preparations. As a result of the mobility activities, our adult training activities will become more efficient. Moreover, we will do our training activities in network with the help of the most modern ICT and marketing technologies. Furthermore, we will know the training methodology of eAdministration, while we can study the inclusion of hardly available, disadvantageous groups. Thus, the adult learners will increase with 15-20 % yearly and a new telecentre strategy will be developed.
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5 Partners Participants