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Teenager today - European citizen tomorrow
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Teenager today - European citizen tomorrow. This partnership aims to make our teenagers discover our cultural identities, accept and learn from each other, and to grow as future European citizens. One of our goals is to create a larger network for teenagers in the European Union, by starting with our partnership from the four countries Croatia, Cyprus, France and Sweden. To achieve our goal we are going to begin with comparisons in different field studies such as culture, everyday life and local environment. By using statistic tools, scientific examinations and inquiries we will have results which will be comparable. The comparisons are our cultural habits, environment and everyday consumption. The main curriculum areas in this project are: math, science, technology, design/art and languages. We will exchange our results through moving exhibitions, our pupils are going to bring posters and hold presentations at the hosting school. The last meeting, the finale, will be a film festival where a short film on "Teenager today - European citizen tomorrow" will be released by each participating country. Using ICT, emails, Skype and eTwinning pupils will research and share knowledge.

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