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Technology Enhanced Learning:Supporting Quality Teaching through use of New Technologies.
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project Title:Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL): Supporting Quality Teaching and Learning through use of New Technologies. The overall aim of this project is to enhance the capacity of the LCETB FET Service and the capability of our staff to deliver high quality TEL by actively participating in structured professional development events in the form of conferences and training courses. The objectives of this staff mobility project are to:• identify existing, new and emerging technologies which have the potential to enhance the quality of teaching and learning• enhance the competence and confidence of adult learning professionals in TEL • learn about innovative curriculum design which employs effective application of TEL appropriate to different cohorts of adult learners • promote a culture of innovation and reflective practice by creating opportunities for staff to exchange ideas and share best practice in teaching and learning, TEL etc.• to inform the LCETB Quality Teaching and Learning Strategy, the national TEL strategy and the national TEL Developmental Needs Analysis The Further Education and Training (FET) Service is part of Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board (LCETB). It is a statutory authority funded by SOLAS and DES with responsibility for education and training. In 2015 it served 29,000 beneficiaries. Courses take place in over 300 locations in urban and rural Limerick and Clare. Accreditation from more than 30 different bodies is offered at Levels 1-6 on the NFQ. The FET service employs approx. 800 staff 70% of whom are teachers.Rationale for project. Concerns about the provisional findings of a national FET Staff skills survey of in the area of TEL provide the primary motivation for this project. Only 29% of staff have a high-level of confidence in applying TEL, the lowest rate across 19 separate skill areas. Furthermore, 22% of staff report a low-level of confidence in relation TEL. The FET Service is also engaged in a number of other activities which are relevant to this application:• Development of a Quality Teaching and Learning Strategy which incorporates TEL, CPD and programme and curriculum development.• New networks/communities of practice to share knowledge and practice in TEL and collaborate on innovative projects• Involvement in two national TEL projects -1)design and pilot a national Development Needs Analysis tool for FET staff in TEL 2)the development of a Technology Enhanced Learning Strategy for the FET sector. • Finally the service also wishes to build ways of sharing experiences of being involved in European projects and allowing the service come together to make common applications.In total there will be 25 participants on 6 mobilities over 16 months. The following are the target groups.• ICT Champions -skilled teachers with high levels of digital competence and with experience of curriculum design and applying TEL. They also have experience in leading up the roll out of innovative TEL initiatives• Teaching Staff - who would like to improve their competence and confidence in TEL by participating in a training course or attending a conference• Managers and Leaders-change leaders and managers and those with responsibly for TEL policy • R&D Staff- team which supports the development of quality programmes and services• Learning Limerick Steering Group members and event organisersMethodologyThe EU Project Team will work with the managers to identify and encourage staff members to participate in the project. Interested participants will then complete a short application process. As well as outlining their interest in the mobility they will undertake to engage fully in all dissemination and evaluation activities planned. Impacts Adult education staff will have increased their confidence and competence in applying TEL and enhanced the quality of their teaching and learning as a result of using new technologies and being exposed to innovative TEL curriculum design. They will have shared knowledge, ideas and best practice about TEL with colleagues from across the service and with European colleagues. They will also have contributed to the development of the FET Service Quality Teaching and Learning Strategy which incorporates TEL and CPD.At organisation level there will be increased connections between FET centres as a result of staff networking on project mobilities. We expect there to be more new TEL projects initiated across the service. A FET Service Quality Teaching and Learning Strategy which incorporates the learning from this project will be in place.Over the long term we expect be able to demonstrate enhanced quality and relevance of our learning programmes to learners, employers, communities and other stakeholders and to be widely recognised for the quality of our teaching & learning including effective use of TEL. We also expect that at both regional and national level to continue to raise the profile of FET Services.

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