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Technology Assisted Language Learning
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

1. Background and justification of the project:The area of activity of CEPA Buitrago del Lozoya corresponds to the North Mountain range in the Autonomous Region of Madrid. In general terms, we consider that our students show three main educational needs:- Development of digital competences -Acquisition of linguistic competences (English, to be more precise)- Improvement of their employability. Tools for an active search of employment.Regarding our needs in teaching, we think it would be necessary to improve our teachers’ competences in new technologies so that these can be integrated in their teaching practice. The area of activity of our school is a rural one, so that there are difficulties in communication between the different towns. That’s why, within the European Development Plan, we aim at developing a Moodle platform which will enable to us meet the needs of those students who find it difficult to come to school and also, those from the city areas who haven’t had a vacancy in their schools nearby due to the excessive demand there. 2. Profile and number of participants:Only one teacher from our school will attend the course, and that must be an English teacher. Besides, the teacher must meet the greater number of requirements: - be a estate teacher, preferably a steady one in our school. - be a Head of Department (to facilitate the coordination with other English teachers and the School management team.) - experience in teaching3. Description of the course:-Applications software for language teachers-The creation and use of multimedia materials using commercial software and freeware-Digital content for reference, language practice and as a source of authentic material-The use of concordances and text analysis software for both language analysis and classroom use-Core skills for the internet including creating, and evaluating web content; networking and communication using web 2.0 tools and integrating these into the classroom-Setting up and managing a CALL or e-learning facility-The impact of the technology on methodology and the long-term and short-term implications for teachers and learners-In the second week, participants will begin work on an agreed project, including, but not limited to, the preparation of one or more lesson plans; a set of electronic learning materials; and a small website4. Results, impact and long term benefits: We foresee that this teacher would improve her digital competence applied to language teaching, and therefore this would contribute to enrich the School’s Moodle platform.Our students would employ their linguistic and digital competences, their employability and motivation.This course would contribute to develop the main lines of our European Development Plan.
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