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Technologie ICT inspirują do poznawania świata wokół mnie.
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project " The ICT Technology Inspiration to Get to Know the World Around Me " is an urgent need of our school. It is made by the two teachers: one of them is an English teacher, who at the same time is a coordinator of the project, the other one teaches Art and works in common room. Both participants as well as the headteacher of our school have paid attention to the need of using ICT techonolgy in the lessons because contemporary students are surrounded by it, grow up with it, use it every day altough not always having knowledge of their potential in terms of self studying ang getting to know more. The school has aquired a few interactive whiteboards, laptops, projectors and an access to the Internet recently. Such devices provide a pefect opportunity for us to use them in variety of ways during the lessons. We have got two main aims: to use ICT fully in the environment of the classroom, to show the students how to do it in a wise, safe, attractive way,teach them self studying with the help of such technology as well as making international realtionship, cooperation with other schools using the knowledge of English. Taking part byt he two participants of mobility in "Effective Use of Technology in Teaching" will enable to enrich the teachers' skills in terms of using ICT during the lessons and in the nearby future the fullfillment of the aims connected with it.After the mobility we plan to make cooperation with school or schools from Europe in order to make projects based on using ICT technology especially the ones which refer to healthy habits and eating. We want to create slogans on this topic using the power of ICT technology, a variety of English Internet sources and then to exchange them among the schools engaged in the project. At the same time we hope that our students will make friends from different cultural backgrounds using and imroving their English skills with the help of Internet devices. What is more, it is crucial for us to make our lessons more atrractive and modern, to enrich our students' knowledge about the surrounding world. Art lessons may become the time when children will notice the importance and abundance of plastic arts and craft as well as encourage the students to have their first experiences with grapihcs. We also expect that using interactive whiteboard will enrich the the time which the kids spend after lessons in common rooms. Our great expectation is the improvement of English skills among the students, making friends by them, noticing the key role of knowing English in their lives as well as being felt more motivated to study even more a foreign language. We also think that they will be better at using Internet sources, making short films and slogans on the given topic, working in groups, writing blogs, graphic skills, become more sensitive to art and improving creative skills. In our opinions the realization of these aims will improve the work of the whole school. More and more teachers may notice possibilities which ICT provides during the lessons. They may feel motivated to learn and improve English, seek new methods and technics in teaching. In the nearby future it may help to enrich the technological devices in our school, equip it with some new ICT items as well as making international cooperation among the schools.

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