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Technologically-Enhanced Language Learning Pedagogy

This project is undertaken to contribute to the European vision to create a Europeanknowledge-based society (Lisbon Strategy, 2000) that is plurilingual and culturallyastute (Action Plan, 2004-6). Crucial to the implementation of the Action Plan is theprovision, at national levels, of a suitably qualified teaching profession to teachlanguages at primary level and to embed language learning in the national curricula.The core objectives are to train a new generation of primary class-teachers who will beequipped to teach the future generations of European children who, through languagelearning, will open a window onto the cultural and linguistic diversity of Europe (Councilof Europe, 2003). Using new technology the trainees, specialising to teach primarylanguages in the three partner teacher training institutions (Manchester MetropolitanUniversity, in Manchester, UK; the University of Granada in Spain; the InstitutUniversitaire de Formation des Maîtres in Niort, Poitou-Charentes, France) will learn toplan for language teaching and learning embedded in the schools' curriculum (CLIL).The ultimate product will be a technologically-enhanced language teaching and learningpedagogy, with interim results throughout the life of the project of expected impacts onchildren's learning, class-teachers' professional development as they adapt to and adoptnew methodologies and the trainees' responses to becoming European teachers.
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2 Partners Participants