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Technische Berufsausbildung in Norwegen
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project consists of the cooperation between Thyssen Krupp Steel Europe, Dalane Viederegaende Skole and Robert Bosch Berufskolleg Duisburg. The Robert Bosch Berufskolleg belongs to the centre of education in Duisburg Nord. Because there already exists an exchange between the Dalane Viederegaende Skole and the Walther Rathenau BK (commercial vocational college), which is also a member of the centre of education in Duisburg Nord, the long-term goal is to expand this contact to our vocational college. Applied is a mobility for teaching staff and students. Within the mobility for teaching staff, three teachers of the Robert Bosch BK and the training coordinator of Thyssen Krupp Steel Europe take part in the project. Two of the teachers manage the metal- and electronic department of our school. The third teacher is the school's contact person for foreign affairs. She has experiences in managing student and teacher exchange programs with our Dutch partner school (ROC Nijmegen). Because she is an English teacher, she also acts as mediator in language barriers. Target group for the student mobility are apprentices of the metal- and electronic department of Thyssen Krupp Steel Europe. Selected will be those students, who performed particularly well in the intermediate examination. The exchange program shall be a sign of special appreciation. With the mobility for teaching staff we pursue two aims: The first aim is to get to know the surroundings of the school in Norway to which we plan our student exchange. During the stay, the teachers can visualize the culture, get in contact with accommodations or guest families and, with the help of the Norwegian colleagues, develop an action plan to implement the student's mobility. Because the Robert Bosch BK wants the student's mobility to become a long lasting project, it is very important to build up personal contact to the Norwegian teachers of the Dalane Viederegaende Skole. That also applies to local industrial companies, in which the students will work during their internship. A further aim is to get to know the Norwegian way of vocational training. In this context we also want to discuss with the Norwegian teachers about their methods of teaching and learning: how do they communicate technical contexts? What media and materials do they use for their teaching? etc. The students will stay in Norway for three weeks. One week at school and two weeks at an industrial company for their internship. The mobility for students does not only pursue the target that the students will get to know the way of life of an Norwegian apprentice, but they will also develop their self-esteem and maturity. After their stay they can be proud of having managed three weeks in a foreign country with a foreign language. They will use their English language skills not only at school and during their internship, but also in their free-time in communication with their buddies. Thereby they recognize the sense and usage of speaking a foreign language (in this case English). They will make new friends and contacts, in the best instance for their whole life, or they will be even offered a job in Norway. All these experiences and insight will also be a part of a better understanding of "Europe", e.g. what does it mean do live in Europe and which chances does a life in Europe give you for your job. The results of both mobilities will be published within the school (e.g. at conferences, at the annual open house, presentation in the school building), and externally (local newspapers, official journal, etc.). We expect positive feedback from colleagues (which feel encouraged to participate in European projects), from students/apprentices (who feel motivated to take part in a student mobility), from companies (they recognize the usage for their apprentices and company) and other vocational colleges (which want to emulate our example). In the long term such student mobilities will be expanded to other training sections. Not only because companies and students will show interest, but also because our school receives more and more requests according to partnerships with foreign vocational colleges.

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