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Teaching Tutoring - Intelligent Agents to customize lifelong learning pathways in microfinance sector

T2 project addresses the needs of MicroFinance Institutions (MFIs) operating in Europe. Microfinance is a strategic sector in Europe providing micro-credit to non-bankable micro-enterprises as well as low-income and marginalized people, promoting growth, employment and social inclusion and influenced by the modern model of flexicurity.This sector has grown rapidly since 2000 and many operators are relatively young and often work very differently. The majority of MFIs active today were established between 2000 and 2005. Despite the consent growth in this field, the training market often fails to meet the diversified and specific needs of MFI professionals due to different national legal frameworks and the diverse nature and intervention models of MFIs.T2 aims at improving the quality, attractiveness and accessibility of training in the microfinance field by:i) providing training organisations with a model to individualize training based on MFIs’ specific needs;ii) setting up a common and integrated European training offer promoting sustainable microlending and microfinance programmes.T2 has adapted and transferred a pedagogical and didactic model that was developed in PARMENDE, a previous Leonardo da Vinci funded project, for the “Foundation of sustainable microfinance” course. The course was also planned within the framework of the former PEMTE project, supported by the e-Content Programme.This model was based on the combination of e-learning methods and Intelligent Agent technology which resulted in a web-based intelligent tutoring system able to generate individualised assessment pathways for each student. T2 features the same model, set up to support both students in self-directed learning and trainers in customizing lessons based on the specific training needs of each student.The project is carried out by a Consortium comprising four complementary partners, who were collectively involved in the former PARMENIDE and PEMTE projects. Partners are based in four EU Member States and consist of two Universities specialised in E-learning and two European microfinance networks.

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3 Partners Participants