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Teaching Business English
Start date: Jul 18, 2016, End date: Jul 17, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is the training organized by the English Language Centre in Brighton "Teaching Business English" for all teachers of business English or those who want to become the teachers of business English.The training is organized as an intensive course for a time period of two weeks (30 lesson/week course – 22.5 hours/week). The detailed plan is enclosed to this application. There are three course sessions planned. The applicant organization is planning to take part in the first session from 18 July – 29 July 2016. The applicant organization is intending to select one participant - English language teacher. The target audience is: non-native teachers in adult education. The maximum number of participants is 12.The reasons and objectives to carry out this project are as follows: 1) to expand the teaching experience, including Business English teaching experience. 2) to diversify into business English. 3) to meet the needs of teachers-participants. 4) improve communication skills. 5) to meet our student’s needs. The involved participants are qualified English teachers with initial teaching qualification. They work in a particular context - in the private language school sector, they have completed at least 2 years’ full time teaching, though perhaps with much more experience than this, they want or need to have further training and development in essential teaching skills and to update or refresh their skills and knowledge. The main activities during the course are developing Industry Specific Materials, using a business context to approach grammar, intercultural awareness: the implications of cultural differences, presentations: developing learner techniques (e.g., chunking, voice control, etc.)Input will be provided in a variety of ways, including seminars and practical workshops, trainer summaries and demonstrations) that take account of the course participants' different learning preferences and styles. Participants will be encouraged to share their own ideas and experience, and develop networks with participants from other countries. There will be opportunities throughout the course to exploit the UK context by collecting relevant authentic materials, making contact with native speakers and taking part in the school's social and cultural program, and outings.Generally, there are the following expected impacts which can be distinguished: 1) impact on teacher attitudes (changes in attitudes towards teaching and learning); 2) impact on teaching conceptions (changes in ways of thinking about teaching and learning);3) impact on teaching knowledge (acquisition of new or enhanced concepts, procedures and principles);4) impact on teaching skills (acquisition of thinking/problem solving, psychomotor and social skills)
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