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"Teachers on the Move" - Weiterentwicklung der Unterrichtsqualität und Stärkung der europäischen Dimension durch die fortgesetzte Professionalisierung der Lehrpersonen
Start date: Jun 26, 2014, End date: Jun 25, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project entitled "Teachers on the Move" (further development of the quality of teaching through the continued professionalization of teachers) devised by our school, the Landesgymnasium für Hochbegabte Schwäbisch Gmünd, has to be seen in the context of our school's ambition to sustainably strengthen modern languages which are key factors in developing the European dimension, furthering interculturality and enabling teachers and students to meet their colleagues and peers from other countries. In addition to fostering 'internationalization', the project aimed at improving the quality of modern language teaching and expanding the teaching portfolio at our school through creative approaches and the dedicated enhancement of digital and media literacy to support the teaching of gifted, talented students. These goals have been met to a large extent. The number of 7 teachers in the project for advanced vocational training and one colleague to take part in a job shadowing programm at our Italian partner school covered the total number of participants at our school. The heads of department and specialist teachers for modern languages at upper school level (see the relevant profiles under later in the report in German language) were expected to act as multipliers for their departments, setting examples and initiating the required developments for high-level English, French, Italian and also Norwegian language courses, as we also try to enhance Scandinavian languages in our extracurricular activities. The colleagues are highly qualified. As they will act as multipliers, they should receive language training at the highest level possible with the option to enhance their creativity and digital media skills and intercultural knowledge. We hereby do not understand digital media skills as basic technical knowledge but we consider it rather as the specific application of currently used adequate media in the daily real life lessons of the respective country. We bear in mind films, videos, clips podcasts and others. We found many ideas and suggestions in the language courses we had booked. The general quality of the courses attended and the use of newly acquired skills and capabilities in the classroom is helping us to to increase the quality of teaching, thus motivating both teachers and students, promoting and fostering talent and facilitating daily life in school. These training programs have also been a prerequisite for future partnerships and cooperation and have really helped us to find new partners and more cooperation in Europe. We have found two new partner schools in France, and a cooperation with a private school also in France. Besides we started talks with a grammar school in England trying to initiate and establish academic cooperation and more. Finally we can say that intercultural learning was a natural priority in all training programs, enhancing the awareness and understanding of common European values, displaying tolerance and diversity as two main points of living together internationally. All colleagues pointed that they felt a very clear increase of motivation and satisfaction at work due to a growth of professional knowledge, competence and new experience. The quality of lessons and the acceptance in the teacher-pupil relationship has significantly increased.
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