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Teachers First - Using Emotional Literacy to Improve VET Teaching in the 21st Century

Increasing numbers of young people across the EU - a disproportionate amount from new racial and non-racial groups - have been alienated or excluded from education due to behavioural problems, leading to increased pressure on the criminal justice system and a negative impact on long-term job prospects.Punitive strategies are often invoked as a response to these problems but research shows that punishment is only effective in the short, not long, term. Hence the need to develop more socio-emotional strategies that support both students and teachers (Cambridge Assessment, 2009; Brackett 2009). Various emotional literacy (‘EL’) programmes have been introduced – eg. SEAL – but success has been limited by focusing almost exclusively on students. In our view the way to reduce alienation and behavioural problems is to not only focus on students but also to improve the EL of TEACHERS, whose ‘soft skills’ training have been neglected (Kassem, 2002; Bohlinger, 2005). Teachers’ EL is ‘significantly and positively’ correlated with pupil attainment (Powell and Kusuma-Powell, 2010, 2009). City of Wolverhampton College (CWC) has created an EL toolkit and questionnaire which has been used with over 300 teachers since inception. Because of the success of this work and the teachers who have been trained, CWC has now created a Centre for Emotional Literacy - the Applied Centre for Emotional Literacy, Leadership & Research (ACELLR). The Centre Works with a local university to accredit CPD and EL courses.EL4VET has transferred CWC’s innovative and successful EL methodology and toolkit to VET teachers in six EU countries adapting them to meet the specific cultural and technical requirements of each via consultation with 180 VET teachers.The El4VET project met all the initial objectives specified in the application form. The overall objective of the project was to promote emotional literacy (EL) among VET teachers and trainers across Europe and to help them to enhance their relationship with students, trainees, colleagues and other stakeholders. El can enhance the classroom behaviour and motivation, learning performance, soft skills, competence and the prospects of long term employability for students and trainees. This was achieved through the following objectives:The introduction of El Methodology and products to all partners during the projects first meeting .The involvement of VET Teachers/Trainers in the application of EL: 6 transfer workshops and 6 national pilot sessions were developed in all partner countriesTransferring of CWC’s innovation El Methodology and specific products (TELS, TEC, TEIT/ELRIT) to partner organisations and their VET Networks which included the 6 transfer workshops and national pilot sessions. A questionnaire was produced in order to gain feedback from participants at the end of each 2 day workshop in each partner country. All evaluations were positive; lessons learnt from the evaluation were incorporated by all partners for their national pilot sessions. 9 Roundtable discussions and several dissemination and exploitation activities were developed in all partner countries.A common guideline was implemented to improve transferability of the EL methodology and products to other EU countries which was produced in English and each partner language.A website was produced to showcase case studies/vignettes for use by all VET teachers/ trainers in both english and partner language.Dissemination and valorisation of the project outcomes to the widest European audience with a view to mainstreaming the findings for adoption into public and private VET systems have been looked into. Newsletters, Flyer, press releases shave been produced in both English and partner language along with national dissemination strategies/groups and exploitation plans.
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5 Partners Participants