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Teach.b Certification course - The Mindfulness in Schools Project
Start date: Jul 10, 2014, End date: Jul 10, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our intention is to send two teachers on the Teach .b Certification Course - Mindfulness in Schools. This is a four day teacher training course that provides teachers and other educational professionals with the tools to train youths from the ages 11 - 18 in mindfulness (núvitund). This course has been chosen in alignment with the initiative from the Directorate of Health (Landlæknis embætti) and the well-being program (heilseflandi framhaldsskóla) that our school is currently participating in. We are working towards increased awareness of mental health and its role in personal achievement in education and life in general. Our aim is to offer the course as a mandatory part of the curriculum to students who are at-risk of dropping out of school because of learning difficulties and/or emotional and personal difficulties that prevent them from achieving success in their studies. It will also be offered as an elective course to all students in the school. Two teachers who meet the prerequisites for the course and have experience in the field of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, student services, youth and welfare work, yoga and meditation and experience in teaching students with learning and other difficulties will attend the course. There are several key components taught in this course that are fundamental to teaching the mindfulness method. These are all compulsory activities for participating in the course that are necessary if the teaching of this practice is to retain its professionalism. They include a daily mindfulness practice, an understanding of the main objectives for using mindfulness and a personal commitment to the program. By implementing this method into the school our aim is to reduce the number of students who are at risk for dropping out of school due to a lack of personal strategies and other necessary support that they need in order to achieve success. Our aim is to empower students to understand how their actions affect the results they achieve in their lives. Through this method we also want to help students set attainable goals and see them through to a meaningful result. We will implement measurable assessments for the students to assist them with utilizing the method in their daily lives as part of a program for personal change. In the long term our aim is to assess whether self-empowering strategies for students assists them in making better personal choices and becoming successful in their studies despite learning or situational difficulties.

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