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Tarptautinė praktika – sėkminga integracija į darbo rinką
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

2014-2016 Vilniaus paslaugu verslo darbuotoju profesinio rengimo centras (further – VPVDPRC or Center) Strategic Program of Activities includes a key strategic objective: „To ensure the quality of vocational training having the aim to make the training more attractive for dashing and independent person who is responsible for creating not only his personal future but the future of his native country as well.“ Practical training is of great importance to the vocational training quality, consequently, two-thirds of of the total tutorial hours is represented by practical training. .“ Practical training is of great importance to the vocational training quality, consequently, two-thirds of of the total tutorial hours is represented by practical training. To obtain the basic professional skills and knowledge the modern training facilities are created in the Center, VPVDPRC is converted into Service Sectorial Practical Training Center. It will provide training specialists: hairdressers, photographers, florists, hygienic cosmetics, ceremony and ritual organisers and others. The Center premises are reconstructed as well as equipped with modern facilities to match the training program requirements. Actually, the final practice is of great importance, because students working in an environment other than their school can assess their professional skills as well as develop their competence and personal qualities necessary to integrate into the labour market successfully. Such abilities as matching the new environment, socializing skills as well as team-working and creativity are highly valued by the employers. Usually students are seeking for placements themselves in Lithuania and often have difficulties finding the right place for practice. The Center is working hard to create the best environment for the final practice, so as the Center has the number of social partners, the students can practice at these places. However, the services sector is comprised of small business enterprises, consequently it is hard to find the working place for the students practice and the situation causes constant problems every year. The goal of the project is to address the case and to increase student internship opportunities. The possibilities for the students to undergo their practice abroad ensures better educational quality as well as better professional competence and personal qualities too. All these factors will ensure better integration of the graduates to the labour market. On the other hand, students having brought experience and knowledge will be able to compare the implementation of practical vocational training in Lithuania and abroad, and taking over their best practices to improve the quality of vocational training at VPVDPRC. The Project Objective is to create opportunity for the students to obtain international work experience, to develop their professional skills, to expand their understanding of economic, social and cultural conditions of the other country, to develop the personal qualities to ensure a successful integration into the labour market. The project's target group is 20 students group (final year of studies) hairdressers, photographers, florists, hygienic cosmetics, ceremony and ritual organisers. Their destinations are Finland, Latvia, Macedonia, Germany, Malta. 3 weeks of the final practice will be undergone abroad, in the workshops of educational institutions or they will work in a certain enterprise during the whole practice time period. The result foreseen is to develop professional skills, to reveal their personal qualities conserning the speciality, to get some knowledge about foreign culture, to develop communication skills as well as foreign language speaking skills, to make new contacts, to assess their competence and enhance self-confidence. Acquired competencies by the students will be assessed and recognized, Europass mobility document will be given. Brought experience and skills will be assessed at the Center’s methodology groups and internship period will be counted as a part of the completed final practice. The above mentioned factors will ensure their better integration into the labour market, also the services sector of the country will be provided with qualified professionals to comply with the expectations of employers. The possibilities to undergo students practice abroad will make the Center training more attractive, and it will become in bigger demand, as well as there will be the increase in the school prestige and internationality. The ongoing project as well as the activities of the Center will always be posted on the website ( The video will be created with the students‘ intervews about the experience and impresions working abroad. The material will be disseminated in the Social Network Facebook. Having returned students will present the experience to the Center community, social partners and Secondary Schools students.

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