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Talented Europe
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The ‘Talented Europe’ project addresses two flagship initiatives of the ‘Europe 2020’ Strategy, namely Youth on the Move and the Agenda for New Skills and Jobs. The overarching objective that the project addresses is that of facilitating transnational movements of young people in the context of more successful labour market integration and more mobility to reach EU employment headline targets. Today’s European youth enthusiastically embraces the concept of mobility in seeking employment. It has become a lifestyle choice and given that demand from young people is driving major developments in this area, the project seeks to exploit this to solve the problem of a lack of centrally organized programmes facilitating mobilities of young people. 'Talented Europe' project will allow being able to hire the best students in whichever European country. Thousands of companies will have direct access to their contact information, and the better marks they get the greater choices they will have to get a nice job. The main goal of the Talented Europe project could be set out in the following sentence: "To facilitate and promote the incorporation of the young European talented students, regardless from the academic or geographic origin, as well as to offer to the companies the chance of integrating these students to their projects and business plans". That is what Talented Europe offers. A showcase with a ranking of the best students in Europe. A simple idea which joins employers and students. The meeting point of excellence. The main outcome of the project is a multiplatform application which will have a database of the involved stakeholders: students, educational centres and companies. Importantly, the application will be available for all kinds of mobile devices so that the potential reach among the students in particular will be maximized. The application will also be free to use. Being a mobile ‘app’ it will fit perfectly into the lifestyle of youth which should encourage its uptake and usage. Undergraduated and graduated students, coming from vocational/business schools and universities, may sign up in our platform. Either the student can propose himself to get into the platform, or the organization can register the student. The educational institution will validate the academic information coming from its student, though. Therefore, all data will be well checked and reliable. Only those students who accomplish a threshold will be admitted: the talented ones. The students will get notifications as soon as a company watches their profiles or is interested in them. On the other side, companies will be notified when students’ profiles they are looking for, get into the page (registration required). Besides, our platform can be used as a social network, which lets students communicate, aiming the setup of a new company or synergies. Students could find other colleagues, in the fields they need, and contact each other easily. From the point of view of the company, you will be able to search through such different fields such as marks, skills, languages, etc. Contact information of the students will be displayed, as well as links to their CV's, social networks if available (Linkedin, Twitter, etc.) and other portfolio. Nowadays, the lack of job positions and academic training of youth and adults, keeps as a grave problem. Besides, many businessmen do not find the proper staff with the right competences. It is necessary to train citizens, who can afford a changing labour market and a competitive economy, and specially it is necessary to promote actions, cooperation paths and development of resources that facilitate the achievement of the main goals of European Strategies. For the project Talented Europe is key to develop dissemination activities that makes possible that the final product reaches the target group with maximum impact. The coordinating institution and one of the partners are located in an ultra-peripheral region. This makes necessary the involvement of other European partner countries, which will develop dissemination tasks, as well as another tasks, vital for the success of the project, such as marketing, advertising or translation. Partnership can also play an important role in transnational cooperation through contacts and exchanges, as well as, allow gathering experiences and knowledge from other Member States and regions which can be incorporated. The most significant feature of the ‘Talented Europe’ project is that it addresses a real necessity which is holding back youth employment and rather than relying upon a centrally-driven system requiring ongoing resources, it puts the success of the project firmly in the hands of the triple beneficiaries, the stakeholders and the lives of those it serves best, the youth of Europe. Therefore, the project can deliver tangible benefits and demonstrate its sustainability and lasting impact.
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4 Partners Participants