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Take, Shape and Share: the European Repository project

The TSS European Repository contains over 50.000 hours of digital learning materials for vocational training and can be considered as an important resource for the re(use) and storage of existing E-Learning and Mobile Learning materials. The repository is also a resource for the creation of new digital educational learning arrangements.About 90% of the digital materials are available in the English language and contains a great resource for English courses in almost every profession or skill. The resources are brought together by English colleges for Further Education. The TSS European Repository project 2007 - 2009 added new resources from Dutch, Belgium and Romanian colleges.The TSS Repository is connected to the Dutch international harvester system "Edurep" which makes it possible to search and find learning materials by the use of metadata according to the international standards. The harvester is connected to many other collections, so the TSS-user is able to search for useful knowledge and learning materials in many national and international collections with one search. During the project the Belgium KlasCement collection, an important collection of learning materials brought together by Belgium teachers, was also added to the system. This means, that every country can join the community and is able to take advantage from the knowledge and the resources in the project. The TSS-repository makes it possible that every school, college of any European country can decide for themselves if they like to share a whole collection or just some parts with chosen partners because of strategic interests or other considerations. Examples can be found on the TSS Europe project website. TSS Europe is a still growing community of schools and colleges who are willing to share resources in order to reduce the costs of education by working together. The projectteam is occupied to train the teams at any school or college in the realisation of the so called Educational Content Chain: train the trainer how to develop learning arrangements for use in Virtual Learning Environments (VLE's).For TSS-community members, the learning materials are free to use and to rearrange under Creative Commons license agreement.The TSS Repository itself is already translated to the Dutch and the Romanian language. Colleges from other European countries are invited to join the TSS-community to take, shape and share.

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