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Take a Change - Childcare in EU
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Vennesla upper secondary school is hereby writing to apply for a for a three weeks vocational practice placement in Prague for four students in the period 2014-2016.The first practice period is planned to take place in March 2015 and the following in March 2016. The offer of a practice placement in Prague will be given second year students attending the program Healthcare, Childhood and Youth Development, in the subject named “In Depth Project”. The vocational practice period in Prague will be an integrated part of the education. Achieved competence and benefit of the stay in Prague will be documented in the student’s Europass and also as an attachment to the student’s certificate in the subject, In Depth Project. The aim of the project in Prague is that as many students as possible who are attending the program Healthcare, Childhood and Youth Development vg2 (second level) will complete and pass their educational program. Participation in the project is also meant to be a means of preventing students from quitting before completing their studies and subsequently lead to a higher amount of students passing their final exam. A stay in an EU-country will be motivating and an exciting break from the ordinary vocational training and will contribute to increased motivation, endurance and occupational pride among the students. The students will achieve new knowledge, growth and personal development. In addition international work practice and cultural experience will give them higher competence to be able to cope with new challenges in their future professional career. The stay in Prague will also contribute to increased self-esteem and self-knowledge. The project also aims at improving the quality of our vocational program and to make Healthcare, Youth and Childhood programs more attractive to young students and to increase the recruitment. This will again lead to that society’s need for a qualified work force within this sector is fulfilled. The students will achieve competence within their vocational program through varied practice and theory. The competence achieved by the students is an integrated part of the education given in Norway and is relevant to evaluation, documentation and school certificates. It will therefore be significant to the student’s professional career. Our collaborative school in Prague is responsible for practical training, guidance and evaluation of the students. Most of the training will be at The Children’s Centre, a foster infant’s institution for children between 0-3 years old. Once a week the Norwegian students will take part in the education of health related subjects and in English language classes. Evaluation of the stay in Prague will be included in the program subject: In Depth Project, Vg2 (second level). Our contact person In Prague, the project team and the Czech school have the responsibility for activities that contribute to increased cultural understanding and insight. The students will be staying in their own apartment, Penzion Alice, and our contact person has supervision of the students and will assist them if any need. A teacher from our school accompanies the students to Prague to ensure that they will have a good start of their practice period. The project will be administrated by a team from Vennesla upper secondary school, the team consisting of GroTag, Finn Arne Reierson and Anne Løvik. Our school’s principal, Thorkild O. Haus, has the overall responsibility for the project. Partner organisation in CZ Vyšší odborná škola zdravotnická a Střední zdravotnická škola, Secondary Nursing School i Prauge Jitka Kopecka We have " a letter of intend " from both partners.
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