Search for European Projects

Ta'awun- Co-operation
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This exciting project will offer an opportunity for youth from the Middle East and Europe to work together in a new way. The project will help them develop understanding and solidarity between them as they create and run activities to support the work of Camden Abu Dis Friendship Association (CADFA) including communication with twinned organisations in Palestine. Over two years, 12 young volunteers will be involved: eight from Palestine for five months at a time working alongside four from Europe who will work for ten months at a time. These will be young people from France, Spain and Germany. and 12 from France will work with CADFA in the UK in groups of four for periods of five and six months. They will be based at CADFA’s office in Camden. Drawing on experience from their own cultures and areas of their own interest/ competence, they will help with events and activities in Camden and with CADFA’s partner twinning groups. The volunteers will learn how to support twinning links, interpret between cultures and experience and work to raise awareness of human rights. They will work in parallel with CADFA EVS volunteers in Palestine in order to support existing twinning links between schools, university and youth clubs.They will prepare and post blogs, photos and stories from the UK on the internet for Palestinian people to read. They will help with web links to both Palestine and to their own countries of origin. . We hope that this work will stimulate an interest in maintaining international links to promote human rights on the part of the volunteers and will work with the sending organisations to help build opportunities for on-going work where appropriate.

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