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"Szoros Kapcsolat" - Munkaerőpiaci együttműködés a gazdaság igényeire rugalmasan reagálni képes szakképzési rendszerért
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project entitled ’Close Connection’ – Labour-market Cooperation for the VET System Reacting to Economic Demands in a Flexible Way was successfully implemented by the cooperation of the Government Office for Békés County, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Békés County, the ALFA KISOSZ Advocacy and Adult Education Institution and the Scottish, German, Spanish and Italian partner organisations. The necessity of the project was justified by the fact that the labour-market situation in Békés county is more unfavourable than that of the national average. The VET system does not adapt to economic demands in a flexible way and rapidly enough. There are shortage occupations demanded by the economy but cannot be satisfied by the VET system. The labour-market cooperation forms established according to fields and branches linking the actors of VET and employment are missing, which could operate a VET system reacting to economic demands rapidly. For the improvement of Békés county’s economic situation the collaboration of labour-market actors, VET institutions, local authorities, the employment organisation, employers and organisations responsible for improving employment emerged as a key demand. The special aim of the project was to operate a VET system reacting to economic demands in a flexible way, to establish partnerships linking the actors of training and employment, within the frameworks of which the supply of companies and businesses with a labour-force having the appropriate qualification and competence could be available, the information related to the expected employer demands and labour-force demands of economic development initiatives could be provided and shortage occupations could become more attractive. The direct target group of the project was consisted of leaders and professionals dealing with career counselling, training counselling and VET at the organisations belonging to the three-member consortium. In order to create the complex, multi-actor labour-market VET system the professionals studied those best practices, methods – in the frame of four study visits, each with 14 people, in Scotland, Spain, Germany and Italy – which are operated successfully in host countries to operate the career orientation and VET system meeting the needs of economy. The chosen countries had extensive experience and exemplary models concerning the specific professional field. During study visits those professionals participated from the organisations of the consortium, who are dealing with specific professional tasks related to the areas studied and due to their activities they were able to utilize the experiences of the study visit the in the most effective way, and built these into the cooperation system. At the end of the project a final completion study was developed taking into account the suggestions of national and foreign partners, which includes those labour-market cooperation systems, best practices that are operated successfully in the host countries. As the main result of the project the labour-market cooperation system’s county model was developed in the context of a workshop by all professionals involved in the implementation of the project. The project results have been widely disseminated at, amongst others, the closing conference, on Internet websites of organisations forming the consortium and at professional forums. The final study – including the county model – have been sent to all the government offices within the country, the Ministry of National Economy, the National VET and Adult Educational Institution and VET organisations operating within the county. As a result of the widespread dissemination activity project results are utilised in other counties of Hungary as well. The results of the project have been integrated into the operation of the consortium’s organisations, including the new element called Innovative Technologies Island applied during the Career Job Fair of 2015 on the basis of the Italian example, where innovative employers presented their activities, based on the Scottish example we extend our career orientation activities for preschoolers as well. In order to promote a stronger cooperation with employers an ”Employer HR Club” have been implemented at Orosháza district. The methods described in the final study are expected to be applied at more and more organisations. By the operation of the developed county model new partnerships can be established between organisations dealing with training and employment. The model is also a good basis for establishing well-operating employment partnerships within the framework of the Regional Operational Programme, both on county and local levels, to ensure that activities among regional labour-market actors are harmonised. By operating the cooperation system - as an impact of the project - the level of employment will increase and the human resources needed for economic growth will be ensured.
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6 Partners Participants