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Szlovák és magyar járműipari cégek határmenti együttműködése - klaszterek, a regionális gazdasági fejlesztés főszereplői által / Cezhraničná spolupráca slovenských a maďarských automobilových podnikov rozvíjaná klastrami ako hlavnými aktérmi ekonomického (Klaszterek határok nélkül / Klastre bez Hraníc)
Start date: Aug 31, 2010, End date: Aug 30, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project will establish partnerships of clusters and automotive subcontractors to provide particular services, with main aim to offer them support and information to increase the collaborative potential Project will organize new forms of cooperation based on partnership meetings, exchanges and joint-business events such as exhibitions, trade missions and best practices as well as common approach procedure how to start cooperation with the OMS (main automotive producer). Achievements: In a 500 km circle around Bratislava, there are 18 automotive companies with a production of 4 million pieces per year. The cooperation of companies and regions is an inevitable condition for success. In this market segment, the companies that are most affected by the crisis are those that do not have RTD departments. Automotive companies have a strong representation on both sides of the border but without cooperation in production, innovation and education they will not be able to tolerate the pressure of competition and to avoid companies moving their factories into cheaper countries. The aim of this project was to provide information for supporting enterprises about the innovation activities of the automotive companies, present best practices and to create the opportunity for interested companies for cooperation.
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  • 80.8%   191 430,78
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Slovak Republic (HU-SK)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website