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Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project was addressed to 16 students of Vocational School in Żarki. The school comes under the control of the Department of Vocational Education in Katowice, and students are trained in the profession of chef, car mechanic and worker of finishing interiors. So far students have not had a chance to take part in a project that would include apprenticeship in a foreign country. In fact, this let them leave Poland and see how their neighbours from another country are trained professions in different conditions. Students got a chance to broaden their minds through new experiences. The main idea of the project was to support students of Vocational School and give them the opportunity to be trained abroad. As a result, it is possible that they will use this practical and theoretical knowledge in their future job. Additionally, during their three-week-stay trainees took the opportunity to visit and admire wonderful monuments and places of Berlin. Another important aspect was a chance to learn a new foreign language, German, because, as a result, students improved their language skills. One of the aims of the project was to create the attitude of openness towards people from other countries. Experiences of Polish students obtained during their stay in Berlin will help them overcome cultural stereotypes. The three-week-training of Polish students took place in Berlin and it was prepared in close cooperation with Berlink organisation. EU membership makes it possible for Polish students to gain new qualifications, skills and even to find work abroad in the near future. The most important objective of the project was to improve quality of vocational education that, subsequently, would be sufficient for students to start their own business in building and catering sector, or open a car garage. Further but also important assumptions of the project was to: - extend a syllabus with issues that are not included in the basic course of study, - improve students’ vocational qualifications, - introduce new job trends available in the market, - create more work opportunities both at home and abroad, - show how to work in the international team, - make students more self-confident through work in the multicultural environment - break down language barriers and cultural differences, - show how to deal with stressful situations. Moreover, the project includes the priority tasks of Erasmus+ programme because it assumes greater students’ mobility in the labour market through, for instance, granting ECVET points to young people, commensurate with gained work experience. It also intends to compare educational paths in vocational education in different countries. Participants of the project received numerous certificates. Before leaving for training courses abroad they had taken part in preparatory language classes so that they could easily communicate with people in foreign companies and therefore, improve their language skills in practice. During these classes they had also learnt more about culture of the country they were going to and in the end, they had received the certificate of completing a language course. What is more, students had taken part in a four-hour workshops about dealing with stressful situations, organised by a school educator. The information about participation of the school in the PO WER project, three-week student apprenticeship in Germany as well as the results of the project were posted on the school website and published in the local press. Additionally, the participants, both teachers and students, had prepared a photo report that was posted on the school website and the results of the project were presented in the meeting with the school community.
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