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Szkoła rozwoju.
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project prepared by Gimnazjum nr 1 in Tuszyn called "The school of developement" aims to have long-lasting, two-year actions taken in order to improve the level of education. The headteacher together with the teachers indicate the main aims of the school for the next years, the needs of the staff as far as the training is concerned. The offer is adjusted to the needs of the participants and the school itself. In the recruitment process, the teachers interested in broadening their knowledge and qualifications will be chosen. The form of the training will be differentiate and adapted to the requiremets of the teachers. The priority will be given to the use of information technology in teaching individual subjects. The teachers participating in this kind of training will enrich their knowledge and skills with the aim to use it in everyday school education. They will aslo discover how to use Information Technology to create online projects such as Twinning, will gain the knwolegde and abitities enabling to enrich school lessons as well as after school activities. The foreign language teachers will have a chance to take part in the training courses which refer to the didactics, new trends and strategies of the taught subject. The staff of the school rensponsible for coordiantion of the project will participate in the special training enabling to write and manage international projects in professional way. As a result the school will stand the better chance to be active and effective in this field and will able to help other schools. To sum up, every teacher who is interested, will face the chance to enrich professional skills and to see new solutions according to European Union’s assumptions. The direct consequence of this kind of attitude and involvement should be an innovative view of the role of school and teaching in the educational process. Thanks to new experiences and the teachers ‘ knowledge and skills, Gimnazjum Nr1 in Tuszyn should become an example to follow and inspire. The ability to use the newest technology , particularly e-learning platform , which is an virtual teaching environment, is regarded to be the most important. Modernized school’s website will be an additional source of information and a way of communication . We are convinced that the results of implementation of the development plan will be fundamental for our future and will be a starting point on the way to improvement. Gimnazjum will have a chance to become an educational centre in our commune.

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