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Szkoła otwarta na Europę
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context of the project: We are a small school, which is located in a small town in Masurian Lake District, so our access to innovations, methodological and teaching novelties as well as trainings is somewhat difficult and limited. We feel a great need for continuous improvement and modernization of our facility and adapting its standards to EU levels. Our goal is to break the stereotypical thinking about rural schools as not modern and backward institutions as well as meeting the needs and expectations of students. There are 30 teachers in our school. They are professional and motivated people to work in our school. Teachers are divided into groups, they work in subject ensembles and regularly analyze the results achieved by the students during the trial as well as the main junior high school exams. After the analysis evaluation is done, and set targets are implemented. Such evaluation and guidelines for future work are presented at Teaching Stuff meetings. The school community is diverse, and includes wise and gifted students, motivated to learn as well as students with lower mobilization to work and quite limited abilities. In our school there is an integrated class where mentally disabled, autistic students and students with various disabilities attend. Objectives of the project: Our goal is to break the stereotypical thinking about rural schools as not modern and backward institutions as well as meeting the needs and expectations of students, who will soon have to decide about further education or employment. In contrast to the young people living in big cities, our students do not have access to a wide range of activities during which they could develop their own skills. This is mainly why we believe that the school should enable students to develop the skills that are currently the most valued in the current labour market. Given all of these circumstances we defined our plans concerning European development of our institution. We want to popularize the idea of learning foreign languages as a basis for functioning in today's world and a key to success in adult professional life. We plan to raise both teaching competence, in order to improve the quality of teaching, and popularize knowledge of languages through various themed events as well as establishing international cooperation with schools abroad. The number and type of participants: 6 teachers were qualified to participate in the project mobilities: - English teacher - Polish teacher , - Chemistry teacher - 2 History teachers - Safety Education teacher The rest of the school teachers will indirectly take part in all the project activities. Description of activities and methodology: In connection with the implementation of the project we are planning a number of activities and initiatives that will be related to international cooperation, organizing events to promote the foreign languages knowledge and enable our students to contact with their peers abroad. 1. Teacher training trips abroad. 2. Spreading learning outcomes through popularization of knowledge about the course, organization of workshops and training courses for teachers from our schools and nearby facilities. 3. Creating a team that will be involved in the project and collaboration with the partner school 4. Starting a regular English course for teachers. 5. Establishing cooperation with the school abroad and implementation of a joint project in English. The whole training group will be involved in this project. 6. Implementation of the "Tour of My Dreams" project. Results: Implementation of the project will enable us to upgrade and modernize our school in terms of methodology and to improve the quality of teaching foreign languages in school. The trainings will contribute to the improvement of linguistic and methodological teachers’ skills and allow to include English into other school subjects’ curriculums. All the benefits that teachers involved in trainings get will correspond directly to our students. Changing our work habits into more modern and most of all attractive ones will result in better learning results. Better language skills and deeper cultural knowledge will help the teachers to prepare interesting classes and lessons, and enable the development of young people's attitude of openness and active citizenship in modern Europe. We deeply believe our contribution in the project will launch a series of changes that will allow to transform our school into modern place and a place adapted to the needs of today's teenagers, who will be completely prepared to enter the European labour market.
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