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Szkoła jako miejsce indywidualnego rozwoju ucznia
Start date: Oct 15, 2014, End date: Oct 14, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Szkoła jako miejsce indywidualnego rozwoju ucznia" project aims at: 1) in the organisational field - rendering educational system more individual on the level of the school - rendering more individual educational paths of children so that they can decide although to a small extent about their education - courses they want to take up and in this way teaching children responsibility for the decisons they made and making decions themselves - introducing bilingual system of teaching, 2)new approaches in teaching - implementing new activating methods in our school's programme - using more drama in our school - introducing CLIL ( Content and language integrated learning), bilingual courses for students Moblity participants are already chosen:: - school counselor and psychologue - English and Maths teachers - school management Expected results: 1. project participants a)improved competencies: - linguistic, - personal, - professional 2. school - getting to know new different organagrams of schools abroad - implementation of pilot programmes of in our school 3. students a) improved competencies: - linguistic - personal, - social - improved educational results thanks to new methods of support 4. parents (indirect impact) - help from the side of school counsellor and psychologue in solving psychological and social issues of students attending our school - help in bringing up the children and teaching them to be open to others, an appropriate morale etc. 5. local community - constant improvement of educational level in our school and in this way as well in the whole district - enriching educational offer for youngsters in the zone and as well for teachers eager to take part in workshops the school is going to deliver.
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