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Szervírozás és dekorálás az európai vendéglátásban
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The parties contributing in this project are: Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta Charles Robert Secondary School for Commerce, Tourism and Catering from Hungary, Savonlinnan Ammatti-ja Aikuiskopisto from Finnland, Zespól Szkól Gastronomicznych Nr 2 im prof Odona Bujwida from Poland, Istituto Professionale di Stato per l’Enogastronomia e l’Ospitalita’ Alberghiera „Ranieri Antonelli Costaggini from Italy, Zaragoza Dinamica from Spain, Constantin-Vanotti- Schule from Germany, Berufsbilende Schulen Rohrbach from Austria and Zespol Szkol Przemyslu Spozywczego from Poland. Hungarian Charity Service oft he Order of Malta Charles Robert Secondary School for Commerce, Tourism and Catering has been making efforts to maintain innovation and dynamic improvment and to provide the most up-to-date education possible to its students since the institution was developed.We persue education for vocational school, secondary technical school students and also for students after graduating from secondary school with a certification of matura exam. We constantly take part in projects and so the innovative possibilities make the improvement of the professional training in the school available. In this field the opportunity of obtaining work experience abroad is excessively important in order to develop the potential of students’ successful employment in their future so this is such a unique possibility that may not be regarded as replaceable. As a result of that providing the professional training abroad plays an importarnt role among the long-term plans of our school which addresses added value to the first training advancing the institution’s reputation and interest in the region. Students who participate in this program are more likely employed. Those students who joined in the program raise the quality of turism in the region of Souther-Mátra and County Heves. The Chamber of Industry of County Heves especially acknowledges our school as coordinator of vocational education in the county. The institutions which cooperate with us and participate in the project have the same educational profile as our school has. The cooperation with some of our counterparties is not considered to be recent; we have carried out several meetups based on culture, Leonardo and Erasmus+ projects among which there were exchange programmes, specialized vocational language exchange programmes and the mobility of more students. Our school constantly expands its international relations. The languages of the project and work are English and German and in lower proportion Italian. It is an exceptional opportunity in the enhancement of employability to the students in their future to be part of this project which our school would like to offer to as many students as possible with the help of Erasmus+ project.

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