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System Approaches for Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Training - (ECO-SystemApp)
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Entrepreneurship education does not only mean preparing students to become entrepreneurs. As a key competence for lifelong learning, entrepreneurship education (EE) should prepare students to face real life challenges once they finish formal education. Possession of key competences ensures more flexibility in the labour force, allowing it to adapt more quickly to constant changes in an increasingly interconnected world. Hence, “Entrepreneurship” is recognised as a key transversal skill that ENHANCES EMPLOYABILITY and contributes to the EUROPE 2020 OBJECTIVE OF SMART GROWTH (obtain a 75% employment rate for people aged 20-64 by 2020–by getting more people into work). Therefore, in times of the economic crisis, it is more than ever vital to offer entrepreneurship education to everyone by contributing to the objective of the Entrepreneurship 2020 Action plan of integrating it into ALL EDUCATIONAL LEVELS. Entrepreneurship education in the framework of regions that aim at smart growth, calls for MORE COOPERATION AND COHERENCE and demands that educators are equipped with the ADEQUATE SKILLS, COMPETENCES AND TOOLS THAT BOOST SYNERGIES between stakeholders of the entrepreneurial ecosystem and allow CROSS-SECTORAL SPILL-OVERS. There is a TRAINING NEED FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATORS to enable them to cope with these new trends that smart growth entails and provide them with competences and methodologies to deliver up-to date entrepreneurship education. ECO-SystemApp, as MULTI-SECTOR project, will respond to this need by adopting a SYSTEM APPROACH that considers all those stakeholders of the ecosystem that are involved in providing support for entrepreneurs as TARGET GROUP by recognising them as ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATORS, namely: teachers, trainers and educators from all educational levels, businesses, public authorities and Civil Society organisations(associations, foundations, youth organisations). The project pursues the GENERAL OBJECTIVE of fostering an entrepreneurial environment that will boost the ecosystems knowledge based on entrepreneurial learning and experience. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES a. Enhance the up-skilling of entrepreneurship educators and contribute to the embedding of EE at all educational levels b. Promote the transfer and take-up of practical entrepreneurial experiences and disseminate effective methodologies, tools and resources for up to date Entrepreneurship education c. Develop an assessment tool for the validation of learning outcomes d. Enhance strategic multi-stakeholder cooperation for synergies by strengthening peer-to-peer learning The ECO-SystemApp Consortium is composed of 7 entities (Educational institutions, civil society organisation, public entity and business) with vast experience in entrepreneurship education in all educational fields tackled. Consortium partners are from 7 European Member States. To achieve the project objectives, the consortium will carry out the following ACTIVITIES: O1- create a peer to peer learning guideline that highlights role models of the entrepreneurial ecosystem; Multiplier events E1-E7- organize interactive peer-to-peer networking events that promote collaboration and coherence on regional and international level; O2-create an open online training course for entrepreneurship educators in regions that aim at smart growth, O3- elaborate a Handbook that provides complementary course information and promotes curiosity based learning, O4 develop and pilot a virtual exchange programme between entrepreneurs and educators that promotes the acquisition of practical entrepreneurship experience for educators, O5-create an assessment tool for the validation and recognition of learning outcomes; O6-build a repository of open educational resources for entrepreneurship education in the framework of smart growth; O7- set up the “Creativity Kraken” as an innovative peer-to-peer support structure that helps to discuss and jointly develop new approaches, methodologies and tools for smart entrepreneurship education, O8- Develop the Virtual learning environment that integrates O1-7; C1- run a joint training activity that will test output O1-O8 and study possibilities for the up-scaling of project results. The project will use a participatory METHODOLOGY that is based on collaboration and fosters synergies and spill-overs that are instrumental to the transfer and scalability of project results. ECO-SystemApp will involve more than 100 participants directly in the project activities and reach over 600 stakeholders through dissemination and exploitation activities. The EXPECTED RESULTS are up-skilled entrepreneurship educators and vibrant entrepreneurship ecosystems that are based on collaboration and coherence. The DESIRED IMPACT is a higher number of students of all educational levels that benefit from an increased employability through the participation in smart entrepreneurship education.

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6 Partners Participants