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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project was submitted and coordinated by Business Academy and HPS Valašské Meziříčí (further BA) which sent students into international mobilities offering work experience in London. Regarding the fields of study at the school, London seems to be an ideal place because it offers a wide range of companies providing work placements and because it is one of the biggest and most important business and financial centres in Europe. The main objective of the project was the use and extension of professional skills and knowledge in work experience with an active use of professional terminology in English as the lingua franca in business and IT fields. Other objectives were obtaining high-quality experience within real companies, the development of professional specialisation, qualification extension by work experience abroad, improvement in competitiveness, better job opportunities both in our country and in the EU, personal skills development (e. g. ability to work on one’s own and responsibility), the innovation of specialised subjects curricula to meet potential employers’ requirements and improvement in competitiveness and reputation of the school. The work experience involved 18 students of the 3rd year of study studying Business Academy, Information Technology and Public Administration. The students worked as: receptionists, administrators, graphic designers and IT technicians for companies or organizations such as travel agencies, hotels, insurance companies, manufacturing companies, real estate agencies, IT shops, educational institutions, charity organisations and local community organisations or organisations working with minority groups. The trainees had a full-time job, which means an 8-hour working day. The trainees carried out some of the following tasks according to their positions: • copying • faxing • scanning • word processing • e-mail correspondence • using MS Excel, MS Word and MS PowerPoint • repairing computers • notebooks and another IT equipment • updating • marketing • products promotion • ordering goods • dealing with complaints • market research • web pages design and editing • working with multi-media files • using internal software of the company • filing • using graphic programmes • sale • dealing with customers • business correspondence • etc. The partner organisation was ADC College, which was responsible for the choice of high quality employers according to completed CVs and filled registration forms. In addition, ADC College arranged accommodation, transfer, Oyster cards and insurance for the trainees. BA was responsible for the selection of the trainees according to the stated criteria (e. g. test in specialised subjects, motivation, test of language skills, good manners and school attendance). BA organised preparatory courses in specialised subjects, language and cultural background and risks prevention training. BA also arranged transportation to and from London. Project and quality management was legally ensured by the following documents: 1) Letter of Intent and Memorandum of Understanding, 2) contract between BA and ADC College, 3) individual contracts between BA and the trainees: a) Participant Agreement stating rules for work placement financing, insurance, the conditions of grant return if the trainee does not finish the work placement; b) Quality Commitment signed by all the participants, i. e. work placement participants, BA and HPS Valašské Meziříčí (sending organisation), ADC College (intermediary organisation) and the employer c) Learning Agreement including the ECVET learning unit. Mentoring and monitoring was carried out by 3 subjects: 1) accompanying persons, 2) country manager from ADC College, 3) mentors at particular work places. There were issued 2 certificates, i. e. Europass Mobility documents and certificates issued by ADC College. Final reports were completed after the work experience. We have used the ECVET system this year for the first time. Expected results and impact on the trainees were the following: gain of new knowledge, acquirement of new competences (knowledge, skills and attitudes) and their improvement and improvement in study results. Competences of accompanying persons improved as well. Longer term benefits for the students are: motivation towards further study, participation in other projects, extension of qualification, higher chances to be admitted to universities, improvement in competitiveness at job market. Longer term benefits for BA are: knowledge transfer from working environment and its following implementation into the curricula of specialised subjects and English, improvement in work experience management in our country, improvement in teaching, better reputation, increase in the number of applicants for study, colleagues’ motivation to be involved in other projects, better preparation and management of further projects thanks to the experience gained.
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