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Świętokrzyska młodzież z plusem
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Apr 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main objective of the " Holy Cross youth plus" is the social inclusion of young people from the province . Świętokrzyskie to actively participate in public life. We through a structured dialogue method to encourage young people to actively shape youth policy. The project will be attended by 431 people who teach or study in four cities of the Region : Kielce , Jedrzejów , Starachowice and Sobków . It will be young people aged 13-30 years , of which a large part is the people from rural areas. The project will use a method of debate , during which young people will discuss with politicians and experts on the most important topics related to social activity . Young people pointed out the following issues: youth entrepreneurship , youth civic participation , volunteering, youth mobility . There will be four debates , the most one in each of the village. Developed during debates issue of social inclusion of young people will be presented in the publication , which will be a summary of the project and a set of requests and demands of young people. At the conclusion of debate planned meeting with the leaders of discussions with representatives of the authorities. The publication will be sent to representatives of the authorities and politicians and policy-makers . The project will encourage young people to take active and active dialogue with those responsible for policy making.
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